Creating a JAX-WS enabled WebSphere server

JAX-WS Web services can only be targeted to servers which support the JAX-WS runtime, such as WebSphere® Application Server v6.1 with the Feature Pack for Web Services, or WAS v7.0.

If you plan to create a JAX-WS Web service, before you generate deployment code for your Web service create one of the following:

To create a WebSphere v6.1 server with the Feature Pack for Web Services profile:

  1. From the File menu, select

    New > Other > Server > Server > Next.

  2. Select WebSphere v6.1 Server as the server type, and click Next.

  3. On the WebSphere server settings page, select the server profile that is associated with the WAS v6.1 Feature Pack for Web Services, and enter a server name.

  4. Click Finish.

To see the server you have created in the workspace, from the Window menu click

Show view > Other > Server > Servers > Ok or open the Java™ EE perspective. By double-clicking the server you can view or modify many of the server's settings.

If you are using a secured WAS, there are a couple of tasks you may need complete in order to use the Web services tools:

Tip: By default the

Minimize application files copied to the server option has been turned on in the server editor for performance reasons. Generally speaking this means you will not be able to see the application deployment descriptor files from the WAS administrative console. In the case of Web services, both Publish WSDL files and Provide HTTP endpoint URL information links will be missing from the console because the WSDL, ibm-web-bnd.xmi, ibm-web-ext.xmi, and web.xml will not be in the *.war file copied to the server profile directory. This may cause problems if the WAS administrator does not have access to the files residing in the development workspace. To disable this option, double-click the server in the Servers view, and clear the

Minimize application files copied to the server check box. This will have a small performance impact on the server but will make all the required files available to the administrator.


Related concepts

IBM WebSphere JAX-WS runtime environment


Related tasks

Creating a JAX-WS enabled dynamic Web project