Problems working with a secured server using SSL connections

This topic describes how to workaround the SSLSocketFactory and SSLHandshakeException error messages when trying to communicate to a secured server using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection within the workbench.

While developing in the workbench, you may encounter the following SSLSocketFactory error message: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:  Cannot find the specified class
Here is a list of known tools where this SSLSocketFactory error message displays:

The workaround for the SSLSocketFactory error message, is to look for the following line in the file available in the x:\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings, where x:\workspace is the directory of your workspace:

Replace true with false. Then restart the workbench.

After changing the isUseIBMSSLSocketFactory property to false, you may encounter the following SSLHandshakeException error message:

Server.userException No trusted certificate found
To resolve the SSLHandshakeException error message when the isUseIBMSSLSocketFactory property is set to false, see the Configuring the IBM® JRE to talk to a secured WAS topic for instructions for running the ikeyman tool to workaround this problem.

However, modifying the isUseIBMSSLSocketFactory property to false may cause the SSLHandshakeException error message to persists when connecting or switching for the first time to a secured WAS using a SSL connection within the workbench:

Server.userException No trusted certificate found
The workaround for this SSLHandshakeException error message, is to change back the isUseIBMSSLSocketFactory property to true. Look for the following line in the file available in the x:\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings, where x:\workspace is the directory of your workspace:

Replace false with true. Then restart the workbench.