Exporting and importing binary modules

You can add binary modules into and remove binary modules from your workspace.

Binary modules are Java™ EE modules (for example, EJB, Web, Connector, Application Client, and Utility Jars) that are left in binary state, that is, in a single .jar, .war, or .rar file) within the EAR.

Using binary modules in your workspace allows for better performance, so it is possible for a developer to only load that active component he is working on in source mode (that is, as a project) while leaving all other modules in binary state. This reduces workspace size by requiring projects for only those modules being modified. It improves performance because no builders or validators execute on binary modules.

None of the deployment descriptor files, .java files, mapping files, or the MANIFEST.MF files can be modified; however everything can be read from them in their respective editors in read-only mode.

  1. To export a module as a binary, follow these steps:

    1. If the application includes EJBs, then you need to ensure that the EAR has been prepared for deployment before the export. Right-click the EJB project, and select

      Java EE | Prepare for deployment.

    2. Right-click your project, and select

      Export | Shared Ear File.

    3. On the Shared Ear Export page, click Browse to choose a destination folder for the EAR file.

    4. Select

      Optimize for a specific server runtime to optimize server performance, or clear

      Optimize for a specific server runtime if you do not want to optimize performance. Accept the default server runtime, or select a different runtime.

    5. Select

      Overwrite existing file or clear

      Overwrite existing file if you do not want to overwrite existent files.

    6. Click Finish.

  2. To import a module as a binary, follow these steps:

    1. Right-click your project, and select

      Import | Shared Ear File.

    2. On the Shared Ear Import page, click Browse to locate the EAR file that you want to import.

    3. Select the

      Ear project associated with the Ear file.

    4. Select the

      Target runtime for your imported project.

    5. Click Finish.


Related concepts

Application Deployment Descriptor editor

Defining Java EE applications