Application Deployment Descriptor editor

While deployment descriptors are not required in Java™ EE as they were in J2EE, you can include deployment descriptors in your enterprise applications, and make changes to your module dependencies using the deployment descriptor editor.

The Application Deployment Descriptor editor includes scrollable pages and collapsible sections that represent the various properties and settings in the deployment descriptor (application.xml) and other metadata written to bindings and extensions files. The editor is dynamic, and sections and pages are created based on the application deployment descriptor version and the workbench capabilities that are enabled. To open the editor, right click the deployment descriptor for your project and select

Open With | Deployment Descriptor Editor.

Deployment descriptors are not automatically generated when you create your enterprise project, unless you select

Generate Deployment Descriptor in the project creation wizard. For more information on creating deployment descriptors, see Generating deployment descriptors

The Deployment Descriptor Editor contains two pages, the Design page and the Source page. The Design page contains a number of sections, including Overview, General Information and Icons. Collapsing a section hides the content, but leaves the heading information. This is useful in filtering through the data and properties. The editor remembers the sections that you collapse when you close and reopen the editor. The Source page contains the source for your application, the application.xml.


Design page

The Design page in the application editor provides a quick summary of the contents in the application deployment descriptor. It includes the following sections: General Information, Modules, Security Roles, Icons, and WebSphere® Extensions.

Overview section

The Overview section displays the names of the modules that are defined for the application, and provides a quick link to the Module page of the editor. You can use this section to add, edit, browse, and remove EJB, Web, and Application Client modules from the enterprise application. When you select a module in the list, its attributes are displayed on the fields on the right side of the pane. The list of fields changes dynamically to match the type of module selected.

General Information section

Use the General Information section to view the display name and description for the enterprise application, as stored in the application.xml file.

Icons section

Use the Icons section to choose icons that represent your enterprise application. These icons are mainly used for identification on the server. In order to use an icon, first import the graphic file into the enterprise application project (basically, it must be contained inside the EAR file in order for it to be found at deploy time). Once the file has been imported into the project, you will be able to select it within the icon dialog on the application deployment descriptor editor. If you do not import the file into the project, you will not see any icons within the dialogs.

Actions section

The Actions section provides links for you to perform the following actions:

  • Manage Utility Jars: Use this link to add a Java project as a utility JAR file that can be used by modules in the enterprise application. For each Java project, a utility JAR will be created when the EAR file is exported.

  • Open WebSphere Bindings: (For applications that target WAS) The WebSphere bindings section provides a place to add users and groups to the security roles.

  • Open WebSphere Extensions: (For applications that target WAS) The WebSphere Extensions section provides a place to add WebSphere Extensions.

If you do not have WebSphere bindings or extensions files created for your project, when you click on the action link, a message appears stating that you do not have these files. For information on how to create WebSphere Extensions and Bindings deployment descriptors, see Generating WebSphere Extensions and Bindings deployment descriptors


Source page

Use the Source page to view and modify the application.xml file directly. The XML on the source page changes dynamically when the deployment descriptor is edited, and the other pages of the application deployment descriptor editor reflect changes that you make on the Source page. Editing the XML source is not the best was to edit the deployment descriptor; use the Design page of the editor to make your changes.


Related tasks

Generating deployment descriptors

Generating WebSphere Extensions and Bindings deployment descriptors

Specifying dependent JAR files or modules

Exporting and importing binary modules