EJB modules

Enterprise Java bean (EJB) modules are used to assemble one or more enterprise beans into a single deployable unit. An EJB module is stored in a standard Java archive (JAR) file.

An EJB module can be used as a standalone module, or it can be combined with other modules to create an enterprise module. An EJB module is installed and run in an enterprise bean container. An EJB project must be referenced by an enterprise module project (defined as a module in an EAR file) ) in order to be deployed successfully and run on a server.

An EJB module has the following characteristics:

An EJB module contains these elements:

You can deploy an EJB module as a stand alone application, or combine it with other EJB modules or with Web modules to create a Java application. An EJB module is installed and run in an enterprise bean container.

Note: EJB modules that contain EJB 3.0 beans must be at the EJB 3.0 specification level when running on the product. To set the EJB module to support EJB 3.0 beans, you can set the EJB version in the project facet to 3.0, or you can make sure that the module does not contain an ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor. If the module level is EJB 2.1 or earlier, no EJB 3.0 functions, including annotation scanning or resource injection, is performed at runtime.


Related concepts

Developing EJB 3.0 Applications

Differences between EJB 3.0 and EJB 2.1

Editing EJB 3.0 applications

Securing enterprise applications

Testing EJB 3.0 applications

Deploying EJB 3.0 applications


Related tasks

Creating EJB projects


Related reference

Considerations for developing EJB 3.0 modules for the Feature Pack for EJB 3.0