Differences between EJB 3.0 and EJB 2.1

Compared to EJB 2.1, EJB 3.0 simplifies the process of creating Enterprise Java bean applications.

EJB 2.x

Complexities of J2EE 1.4 architecture

Business Layer In the J2EE 1.4 architecture, session beans are used to wrap business logic components, providing them with transactional, distributed, remote and security services. They usually implement a facade pattern to reduce the network traffic among the client and the service provider. Session beans can be accessed by local clients (that means clients resident inside the same JVM™) or remote clients.

Message-driven beans are used to integrate external JMS providers (such as MQSeries®) to enable asynchronous message handling services; they do not contain any business logic.

Session beans and message-driven beans together constitute the business logic layer. We speak about layers, because another fundamental paradigm adopted in the design of these enterprise architecture is the layering, which enables core features such as separation of duties and skills, clustering, and component reuse.

Persistence Layer The other fundamental layer is the so called persistence layer, which is the set of services and components that allow the application data to be persistent in a relational database. The persistence layer can be implemented in these ways:

Problems with EJB 2.x specification

Simplified model in EJB 3.0

The overall architecture of Java EE and EJB 3.0 reflects the simplification of the EJB 3.0 model:

The underlying concept of the EJB 3.0 specification centers on a plain old Java™ object (POJO) programming model that uses Java annotations to capture information that deployment descriptors used to contain. Deployment descriptors are now optional in most cases. Using default values liberally also means that you need to write and maintain less supporting code. This greatly simplifies the programming experience in creating and using EJB 3.0 components. Main features of this simplified model include

Table 1. Comparison of steps to create beans in EJB 2.1 and EJB 3.0
Steps to define a stateless session bean in EJB 2.x Steps to define a stateless session bean inEJB 3.0

To create a stateless session bean according to EJB 2.x specification, define the following components:

  • EJB component interface: Used by an EJB client to gain access to the capabilities of the bean. This is where the business methods are defined. The component interface is called the EJB object. There are two types of component interfaces:

    • Remote component interface (EJBObject):Used by a remote client to access the EJB through the RMI-IIOP protocol.

    • Local component interface (EJBLocalObject): Used by a local client (that runs inside the same JVM) to access the EJB.

  • EJB home interface: Used by an EJB client to gain access to the bean. Contains the bean life cycle methods of create, find, or remove. The home interface is called the EJB home. The EJBHome object is an object which implements the home interface, and as in EJBObject, is generated from the container tools during deployment, and includes container specific code. At startup time the EJB container instantiates the EJBHome objects of the deployed enterprise beans and registers the home in the naming service. An EJB client accesses the EJBHome objects using the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). There are two types of home interfaces:

    • Remote home interface (EJBHome):Used by a remote client to access the EJB through the RMI-IIOP protocol.

    • Local home interface (EJBLocalHome): Used by a local client (that runs inside the same JVM) to access the EJB.

  • EJB bean class: Contains all of the actual bean business logic. Is the class that provides the business logic implementation. Methods in this bean class associate to methods in the component and home interfaces.

To declare a stateless session bean according to EJB 3.0 specification, simply define a POJO:

  • @Stateless
    public class MySessionBean implements MyBusinessInterface {
    // business methods according to MyBusinessInterface

  • To expose the same bean on the remote interface, use the @Remote annotation:

    public class MyBean implements MyRemoteBusinessInterface {
    // ejb methods

Comparison of EJB 2.1 class plus Deployment Descriptor file with equivalent EJB 3.0 class

The examples in Table 1 are functionally equivalent:

Table 2. Comparison of EJB 2.1 and EJB 3.0
EJB 2.1 EJB 3.0

Java Class

public class AccountBean
implements javax.ejb.SessionBean {
     SessionContext ctx;
     DataSource accountDB;
     public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) {
        this.ctx = ctx;
     public void ejbCreate() {
          accountDB = (DataSource)ctx.lookup(
     public void ejbActivate() { }
     public void ejbPassivate() { }
     public void ejbRemove() { }

     public void setAccountDeposit(int empId,
                                      double deposit) {
       Connection conn = accountDB.getConnection();

Java Class

public class AccountBean implements Account
     @Resource private DataSource accountDB;
     public void setAccountDeposit(int customerId,
                                      double deposit) {
       Connection conn = accountDB.getConnection();

Deployment Descriptor



Related concepts

Developing EJB 3.0 Applications

EJB modules

Editing EJB 3.0 applications

Securing enterprise applications

Testing EJB 3.0 applications

Deploying EJB 3.0 applications


Related tasks

Creating EJB projects