HTML and JSTL tag libraries


HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

HTML is a language for publishing hypertext on the Web. This product supports all of the tags in the HTML 4.01 Specification. For more information on HTML tags, refer to the HTML 4.01 Specification.

In addition to the HTML 4.01 Specification, this product also supports some non-standard tags. For more information on the non-standard tags, refer to .


JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL)

This product incorporates a custom tag library (JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library or JSTL) from the Jakarta project. Many convenient tags are provided in the JSTL which actually includes several tag libraries:

You can incorporate JSTL as a project facet when you create a new Dynamic Web Project, or you can add it to the project afterwards by selecting



Project Facets. For more information on the JSTL tag library, including the API specification, refer to JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library.

After you create the project, a Web deployment descriptor shortcut is generated and placed directly beneath your project name. This shortcut serves as an alias for the web.xml file, and defines the library tag names and attributes available to your project. The tag library JAR files are placed in the WEB-INF/lib folder.

The Libraries folder contains a representation of the tag libraries available to your application. Empty JAR icons indicate tag libraries that are internal to your application (those that you selected in the New Project wizard). Full JAR icons indicate tag libraries that are external to your application (those that are not copied to your workspace).


Non-standard HTML tags

The following is a list of non-standard HTML tags. To specify particular actions, you can add Standard attributes that apply to all tags or you could apply attributes that are particular to individual tags. Click each tag for descriptions and additional attributes that apply to the specific tags:




Specifies a sound file for the page.

Additional attributes

Attribute Attribute options Description Editing and display options
loop infinite, number_of_repeats Specifies the number of times that a sound file is repeated. Specify "infinite" to play the sound file infinitely or a number. You can edit this attribute on the Source page or in the Outline view. Cannot be displayed on the Design page.
src   Specifies the file name or URL of the sound file that you want to use in your document. You can edit this attribute on the Source page or in the Outline view. Cannot be displayed on the Design page.




Specifies text that flashes on and off. You can edit and display this tag in the Design view; however, you cannot view the blinking text on the Design page. This tag is indicated by the dotted lines surrounding the contents.




Embeds a plug-in object in the document. This tag can be edited and displayed on the Design page.

Additional attributes

Attribute Description Editing and display options
align Specifies the alignment of the object. Can be edited using the

Format menu, the

Insert menu, or in the Attributes view. Can be displayed on the Design page.

height Specifies the height of the object. The units are specified in the "units" attribute. Can be edited using the

Format menu, the

Insert menu, or in the Attributes view. Can be displayed on the Design page.

palette Specifies the background or foreground color. You can edit this attribute on the Source page or in the Outline view.
src Specifies the URL of the object to be embedded. Can be edited using the

Format menu, the

Insert menu, or in the Attributes view.

text Specifies a title for the object. You can edit this attribute on the Source page or in the Outline view.
type Specifies the data type. You can edit this attribute on the Source page or in the Outline view.
width Specifies the width of the object. The units are specified in the "units" attribute. Can be edited using the

Format menu, the

Insert menu, or in the Attributes view. Can be displayed on the Design page.




Defines text that moves in a document. This tag can be edited and displayed on the Design page. It runs only on Internet Explorer 4.0 or later.

Additional attributes

Attribute Attribute options Description Editing and display options
behavior scroll, slide, alternate Specifies the manner in which the text moves. Can be edited using the

Format menu or the

Insert menu.

bgcolor   Specifies the background color of the marquee. Can be edited using the

Format menu or the

Insert menu. Can be viewed on the Design page.

direction left, right, down, up Specifies the direction in which the text moves. Can be edited using the

Format menu or the

Insert menu.

height   Specifies the height of the marquee in pixels. Can be edited using the

Format menu orthe

Insert menu. Can be displayed on the Design page.

loop   Specifies whether the marquee loops. Can be edited using the

Format menu or the

Insert menu.

scrolldelay   Specifies the scroll delay speed. Can be edited using the

Format menu or the

Insert menu.

scrollamount   Specifies the scroll speed. Can be edited using the

Format menu or the

Insert menu.

truespeed   Displays the marquee at the specified speed. Can be edited using the

Format menu or the

Insert menu.

width   Specifies the width of the marquee in pixels. Can be edited using the

Format menu or the

Insert menu. Can be displayed on the Design page.

hspace   Specifies the horizontal margins in pixels. Can be edited on the Source page or in the Outline view. Cannot be displayed on the Design page.
vspace   Specifies the vertical margins in pixels. Can be edited on the Source page or in the Outline view. Cannot be displayed on the Design page.



Purpose Overrides line breaks in a block of text. This tag can be edited on the Source page or in the Outline view, but cannot be displayed on the Design page.



Purpose Specifies alternate content for browsers that do not support the plug-in required for an inline media type. This tag can be edited on the Source page or in the Outline view, but cannot be displayed on the Design page.




Allows a line break within a <NOBR> tag. You can edit this tag on the Source page or in the Outline view, but you cannot display it on the Design page.


Standard attributes

You can apply Standard attributes to all HTML tags to specify more information about a tag or to specify particular actions. Standard attributes fall into four categories: Core attributes, Keyboard attributes, Language attributes, and Event attributes.

Core attributes

Core attributes allow you to provide context information about a tag, for example, you could include text to describe a tag.

Attribute Description
id Assigns a specific name for a tag in a document.
class Specifies one or more classes to which a tag belongs.
style Applies style information to a tag.
title Defines text that describes the contents of a tag or its contents.

Keyboard attributes

Keyboard attributes allow you to specify options that related to accessing the HTML elements with the keyboard.

Attribute Description
accesskey Defines a keyboard shortcut to access an element in your document.
tabindex Defines the order in which an element is tabbed in your document.

Language attributes

Language attributes allow you to specify options related to the language used by the text within tags, for example, you could specify the direction in which the characters appear.

Attribute Attribute options Description
lang   Indicates the language being used in the document.
dir ltr, rtl Indicates the direction of the text in the document.

Event attributes

Event attributes specify action when a user clicks on an HTML element.

Attribute Description
onclick An event occurs when you click the mouse on an element.
ondblclick An event occurs when you double-click the mouse on an element.
onmousedown An event occurs when you hold the mouse button over an element.
onmouseup An event occurs when you release the mouse button over an element.
onmouseover An event occurs when you drag your mouse over an element.
onmousemove An event occurs when you move the mouse that is already over an element.
onmouseout An event occurs when you move the mouse from an element.
onkeydown An event occurs when you press and release a key over an element.
onkeypress An event occurs when you press a key over an element.
onkeyup An event occurs when you release a key over an element.