Creating a WebSphere Server and JAX-RPC Web project

If you plan to create a Web service that uses WebSphere® Application Server as its server, the required version of WAS must be installed and a server created before you begin creating your Web service.

To create a WebSphere server:

  1. From the File menu, select

    New > Other > Server > Server > Next.

  2. Select WAS as the server type, electing the correct version of WebSphere for your install, and click Next.

  3. On the WebSphere server settings page enter a server name.

  4. Click Finish. To see the server you have created in the workspace, from the Window menu select

    Show view > Other > Server > Servers > Ok.

To build a dynamic Web project that points to the WebSphere server that you have created:

  1. Create the service Web project by selecting

    New > Web > Dynamic Web project.

  2. Project Name: enter a project name

  3. Target runtime: select the version of WAS that you have installed. If it is not listed, click

    New and browse to the location where it is installed.

  4. Configuration: Accept the default configuration for your server, or click

    Modify to change the project facets.

  5. Ensure that

    Add project to an EAR is selected. The EAR will be generated by the New project wizard.

  6. Click Finish.

  7. To associate the project with the server, right-click the WebSphere server you created in the Servers view and select

    Add and remove projects. Select the service and client projects from the Available projects list and click


  8. Start the server by right-clicking it and selecting


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