Developing Web services

Use Web services tools to discover, create, and publish Web services that are created from Java™ beans, enterprise beans, and WSDL files. You can create of Web services using a top-down approach (which starts with a WSDL file) or a bottom-up approach (which starts with a Java bean or EJB).

In this release, the development path that you would typically follow to create and publish a Web service is as follows:

  1. Create a Web project.

  2. Create or import an artifact to be turned into a Web service.

  3. Create a Web service.

  4. Publish a business entity.

  5. Publish a Web service.

For instructions on performing these tasks, refer to the list of related topics at the end of this topic.

Web tools assist you in developing Web applications that you can configure as a Web service. Web applications are developed in a Web project, and Server tools allow you to use the server test environment to test and deploy your Web services.

Related Concepts

Web services overview

Tools for Web services development

Creating bottom-up Web services

Creating top-down Web services

Related Tasks

Creating a new WSDL file

Publishing Web services and business entities