Deploying JAX-RPC Web services



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If you created a Web service using the Web services wizards, the deployment code is generated automatically.

When deploying on an EAR, all projects defined in the EARs deployment descriptor will be deployed. There can be JAR files in the EAR that are not in the EAR's deployment descriptor. No attempt is made to deploy these JAR files even if they contain Web service deployment descriptors.

In order for a project to be deployed, the project must contain at least one of the following:

These are Web services deployment descriptor files. These descriptor files potentially contain references to other files in the project, such as WSDL files or JAX-RPC mapping files. If the descriptor file makes a reference to another file in the project, then that file must exist or an error will be generated

A project does not have to contain these descriptor files. If you request deployment on a project that does not contain these descriptors, no deployment is performed. When deploying on an EAR, only the projects that contain these deployment descriptors will be deployed; all other projects are ignored.

To deploy a Web service:

  1. Select one of the following:

    • Web project

    • EAR project.

      Selecting the EAR will deploy all projects contained within this EAR that contain Web service deployment descriptors.

    • EJB project

    • Client Application project

  2. Right-click, and select

    Java EE | Prepare for deployment


Related concepts

Deploying Web services


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Deploying a Web service to a server using the command line tools

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