Create Web service router modules



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The Create Router Modules wizard enables a set of Web services within an EAR file. For each Web service-enabled EJB JAR in the EAR file, it adds an HTTP router, a JMS router, or both to the EAR. Each router module provides a Web service endpoint for a particular transport. For example, an HTTP router module may be added so that the Web service can receive requests over the HTTP transport, and a JMS router module may be added so that the Web service can receive requests from a JMS queue or topic. The Create Router Modules wizard was formerly known as the Endpoint Enabler.

Prerequisites: To use the Create Router Modules wizard, have an EAR project that contains a Web service-enabled EJB project.

The Create Router Modules wizard creates JAX-WS or JAX-RPC JMS Listener message-driven beans based on the type of Web services that the EJB module contains.

To create a router module using the Create Router Modules wizard:

  1. Select one of the following:

    • The Web service object under the Services folder in the Enterprise Explorer or in the Services view
    • The application.xml file or EAR file within an EAR project
    • An EJB object
    • A webservices.xml file
    • An ejb-jar.xml file

  2. Right-click the selected element, select

    Web Services | Create Router Modules

  3. Select which type of transports you want to use: HTTP, JMS, or both. Enter the router module names and any other information required to enable the type of transport you want to use, or accept the defaults. Click Ok.

After running this wizard, a Web project for the HTTP router or an EJB project for the JMS router will be created, depending on what transports were used.