Manually deploying exported portal projects

These instructions are a sample of what you will find in the deployment instructions that are created when you export a portal project.

Important: The information contained in the configurations files is server specific. Only deploy to the Portal server that you specified in the Export wizard. For more information, refer to Exporting portal projects.

After you export your portal project, follow the steps in the DeployInstructions.txt file that gets created in the same directory as your exported project. The DeployInstructions.txt file will contain instructions appropriate to your project. A sample of these instructions appears below for manually deploying a portal project that includes portlets referenced from two portlet projects.

Each step must be successfully completed before starting subsequent steps.

  1. Open a command prompt and change directories to the Deployment Manager bin directory. For example,

    c:\WebSphere\DeploymentManager\bin, or if the Deployment Manager is not installed, then use


    1. Copy the wps.ear that was exported by Rational® tools to this directory.

    2. Use the wsadmin command to update the WebSphere® Portal EAR. This action will automatically cause the application to be synchronized across each node in the cluster.

    OS wsadmin command
    Windows® wsadmin.bat -user [admin_user_id] -password [admin_password] -c "$AdminApp install wps.ear {-update -appname wps}"
    Unix -user [admin_user_id] -password [admin_password] -c "$AdminApp install wps.ear {-update -appname wps}"


    • [admin_user_id] is the administrator's user ID

    • [admin_password] is the administrator's password

    Note: Updates to the configuration of a WebSphere Portal cluster must occur on the Deployment Manager and be resynchronized with the other nodes in the cluster.

    If updates are made to individual nodes in the cluster, the updates will be lost when the master configuration on the Deployment Manager resynchronizes with the nodes again.

  2. Copy each of the portlet application WAR files to [wps_home]\installableApps on your server.

    The following is a list of portlet application WAR files that copy:

    • StockPortlet.war

    • CalendarPortlet.war

  3. Copy DeployPortlets.xml to [wps_home]\bin and execute the following XMLAccess command from the same location:

    OS XMLAccess command
    Windows xmlaccess -in DeployPortlets.xml -user [WpsAdminUser] -pwd [WpsAdminPassword]
    Unix -in DeployPortlets.xml -user [WpsAdminUser] -pwd [WpsAdminPassword]

  4. Copy DeployProject.xml to [wps_home]\bin and execute the following XMLAccess command from the same location:

    OS XMLAccess command
    Windows xmlaccess -in DeployProject.xml -user [WpsAdminUser] -pwd [WpsAdminPassword]
    Unix xmlaccess -in DeployProject.xml -user [WpsAdminUser] -pwd [WpsAdminPassword]

  5. To ensure that string changes in the project are correctly used by the portal server, copy the following list of properties files from the nls directory to

    wps_home/shared/app/nls, where wps_home is the installed location of WebSphere Portal server.



  6. Browse to the portal server administration pages. Using the administrative portlets, set access control as needed on the deployed configuration.

Note: If the portal server is configured to use a HTTP port other than port 80, append the parameter -url [portal config url] to the XMLAccess commands where [portal config url] is of the form http://host:port/wps/config

For more information refer to the following topics in WebSphere Portal InfoCenter:

Note: Since the portal project does not have any access control information, use administration portlets in the published Portal site to set appropriate access control.


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