Exporting portal projects

Exporting allows you to manually move all or part of a portal project to a Portal server.

If you do not have FTP or copy access to your Portal server, then exporting is the recommended method of deploying a portal project. These instructions assume that you are exporting your portal project files to your file system with the intention of manually deploying the exported project to a WebSphere® Portal server.

  1. From the File menu, choose

    File | Export.

  2. On the Select page, select

    Portal | Portal Project Deploy Set; then click Next.

  3. On the Portal Project Export page, choose the Portal EAR file for export and specify a destination directory on your hard drive for the exported files.

  4. Specify a server.

    If the server dialog box is empty, click New to define a server. For more information on setting the server configuration, refer to Defining servers for publishing or importing portals.

    Even though the Export wizard does not automatically update your project with server information, it needs to communicate with the portal server during export.

  5. To generate scripts for deploying only theme and skin files for your portal project, select the Export only themes and skins option.

    Note: Unless you have used the Export only themes and skins option, deploying or exporting a portal project replaces all labels and pages under My Portal on the target portal server. Any labels or pages not in the portal project will be deleted from the target portal server.

  6. Click Finish.

The Export wizard generates a set of files for manually deploying the portal project to the portal server. These files include:

If you are including referenced portlet projects with your export, these files will also be included:

The wizard copies these files to the destination directory that you specified. This directory also contains the file DeployInstructions.txt, which is a set of instructions that will guide you through the process of manually deploying your exported project to the server that you selected. For a sample of these instructions, refer to Manually deploying exported portal projects.

Important: Do not attempt to manually deploy the exported files to a portal server other than the one you selected in step 4. The generated files contain information from this portal server and it will not work with other servers.


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