Defining WebSphere Portal Server

Whether you plan to use your local machine or a remote server for testing and debugging, you can use the WebSphere® Portal V6.0 or V6.1 Server node in the New Servers wizard to set up connections to either of the test environment.

To test or debug a project on a remote portal server, you might need to do further configuration on the remote server.

To set up your connection to the WebSphere Portal server:

  1. Open the Servers view by clicking

    Window | Show View | Servers

  2. Right-click and select

    New | Server.

  3. For the Server's host name, enter one of the following:

    • If in a local test environment, localhost should already be there by default. If not, type localhost.

    • If on a remote test server, type the host name or IP address of your WebSphere Portal remote test server.

  4. Select the appropriate

    WebSphere Portal from the server type list. Select the corresponding Server runtime environment, and then click Next.

  5. On the

    WebSphere Settings page, specify the appropriate server connection type and admin port for your networking environment.

  6. Specify the administrator ID and password for the portal server. Clear the

    Enable automatic login box if you do not want to store your administrator ID and password with this server connection. Then click Next.

  7. On the Websphere Portal settings page, specify the Install Location. (Note: that this is only needed in instances where the Deploy action will be used on Portal or Portlet Projects).

  8. Specify the location of the application folder (<portal-install location>\PortalServer\shared\app). Note: that this is only needed in instances where the Deploy action will be used on Portal or Portlet Projects.

  9. Specify the Websphere Portal administrator user ID and password. (If you want to use the automatic login to the portal, select the Enable Automatic Login check box.) Then click Finish.


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