Restoring original artifacts

To clean up your portal project, use the Restore Original Artifacts option. This option replaces the wps.ear file containing portal payloads such as themes, skins, shipped with the server, with customized artifacts of a portal project.

A user working with a portal project can customize or create themes and skins, and tweak other configuration related information. When the customized portal project is deployed or published to the defined portal server, the Restore Original Artifacts option overwrites the wps.ear file shipped with the WebSphere® Portal installation. Invoke this Rational® Application Developer option if the wps.ear file becomes corrupted, or to restore the wps.ear file to the original IBM version of the enterprise application. The Restore Original Artifacts option:

This option cleans up an EAR file; it does not reset the portal database. Configuration information such as page layouts, labels, or portlets on a page remains untouched.

To restore the portal artifacts:

  1. Open the Servers view by clicking

    Window | Show View | Servers

  2. Right-click on the server definition in the Servers view and select Restore Original Artifacts.


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