Quick Edit view

The Quick Edit view lets you add short scripts to your HTML and JSP files. For example, if you select a button tag on a JSP page, you can then associate a click event with that button and add a script to it.

If the Quick Edit view is not already open, you can open it by selecting the item and then selecting

Edit Events from the pop-up menu.

Note: This function is available only for JSP pages. The left pane displays a list of possible events associated with the selected tag. The right pane is a script editor. After selecting an event in the left pane, you can add a script for that event in one of the following ways:

Tip: Before you drag and drop items or text from the Snippets view onto the Quick Edit view, make sure that the Quick Edit view is cleared of the

Insert a code snippet instruction. You can clear the instructions by clicking in the script editor pane. The view menu lets you perform the following additional actions:

The following icons are used in the Quick Edit view

Icon Name Description
Unscripted client-side event (no code currently exists) Code that will be executed on the client side (the Web browser), for example onclick, or onmouseover JavaScriptâ„¢
Scripted client-side event (code already exists) Code that will be executed on the client side, for example onclick, or onmouseover JavaScript
Unscripted server-side event (no code currently exists) Code that will be executed on the server side (the host server), for example JSP scriptlets, JSF commands, value changed events
Scripted server-side event (code already exists) Code that will be executed on the server side (the host server), for example JSP scriptlets, JSF commands, value changed events

For client-side events, these events are written in the page you are editing. For server-side JSF events, the events are written to the Page Code file.

As you add or change scripts in the Quick Edit view, the HTML or JSP file is updated immediately, except that if you edit a JSF server-side code script and then close the JSP file, the changes may not be saved. To ensure that JSF server-side code changes are saved, have the file containing the JSF server code opened when editing the script. To open the script, select

Edit Page Code from the item's pop-up menu.

Besides scripting events, you can use the Quick Edit view to modify SCRIPT, jsp:scriptlet, jsp:expression, and jsp:declaration scripts.


Related concepts

Page Designer

Properties view


Related tasks

Adding scripted events to Web pages

Adding snippets in the Quick Edit view

Adding snippets from the Snippets view

Adding scripts, controls, and effects to Web pages

Adding forms to Web pages