Adding JSF components to Web pages
Once you have created a JSF page you can create page content by dragging UI components onto your Web page from the palette.
Note: Faces Client data support is no longer available. If your application contains client data components, created in an earlier version of this product, you can still run the page on server; however, you can not update the client data. You can use server side components to update client data.
After the JSP file opens in Page Designer, a Palette view opens next to the new JSF enabled JSP file. If you do not see the palette, click
Window | Show View | Basic | Palette. The Palette contains the JSF specific drawers that contain all of the JSF components that you can drag onto your JSP file. Using the data components from the Data and Services drawer, you can connect to a data source and add the JSF components that enable your users to create, read, update, and delete data.
For more information on adding specific Java™ Widget Library (JWL) JSF components from the palette to your page, refer to the online help:
- Adding data viewing components to a JSF page
- Adding page components to a JSF page
- Adding navigation components to a JSF page
- Adding input components to a JSF page
- Adding output components to a JSF page
- Adding panel components to a JSF page
- Adding behavior components to a JSF page
- Adding AJAX components to a JSF page
- Adding sub tags to a JSF page
- Adding event handlers to a JSF component
For more information on adding custom components to a JSF page, refer to Adding custom components to a JSF page. For more information about adding third party components to a JSF page, refer to Adding third party components to a JSF page.
To configure the properties for a component that you add to your page, right-click the component and select
Properties. The Properties view will open.