Adding data to a JSF page using data viewing components

You can add data to a JSF page by adding a data viewing component to display application data and then binding the component to a data source.

  1. Create a JSF enabled dynamic Web project.

  2. Create a JSF page.

Note: Faces Client data support is no longer available. If your application contains client data components, created in an earlier version of this product, you can still run the page on server; however, you can not update the client data. You can use server side components to update client data.

There are a few ways to add data to a JSF page:

Once you have added a data component to your JSF page, configure the properties for the component. To open the Properties view, click

Window | Show View | Properties. For a description of the data component properties, refer to the specific data component listed:

Table 1. Adding data viewing components to a JSF page.
Data view component1 Tag Description How is component added to a page?
Data iterator

Remember: This tag is initially hidden on the Palette. To display this tag on the Palette right-click the Palette and deselect

Hide for this tag.

<hx:dataIterator> Iterates over rows of data allowing values from each row to be used in its child components. For each row of data available a set of the tag's child components will be rendered. Drag the Data iterator component from the palette onto the page.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Data table <h:dataTable> Creates a table of data in which the rows correspond to data records and the columns correspond to fields or categories. Features include paging controls, headers and footers, and support for row selection and actions. Refer to Adding and configuring data tables for more information on this data tables.

  • Drag the Data table component from the Standard Faces Components of the palette onto the page.

  • Drag a data object from the Page data view onto the page.

Note: This component is only available on the Standard Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Data table - extended <hx:dataTableEx> Iterates over rows of data displaying each row in a highly structured table. The extended tag offers additional capabilities over the standard tag such as fixed width columns, scrolling and sorting.

  • Drag the Data table component from the Enhanced Faces Components of the palette onto the page.

  • Drag a data object from the Page data view onto the page.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Table Column <hx:column> Within a data table, defines the structure and content of column of the table. Click

Add on the

hx:dataTable tab of the

Properties view for the Data table component.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Table Column Extended <hx:columnEx> Within an extended data table, defines the structure and content of column of the table. Click

Add an action that's performed when a row is clicked on the

hx:dataTableEx tab of the

Properties view for the Data table - extended component.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Table Rows - Inline Edit <hx:commandExRowEdit> Within a data table, defines inline editing of a row of the table. Click

Add an edit column that brings up a form for in-place editing of row content on the

Row actions tab of the

Properties view for the Data table - extended component.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Table Selection <hx:inputRowSelect> Within a data table, defines the ability to perform single or multiple selection within the table. Click

Add selection column to the table on the

Row actions tab of the

Properties view for the Data table - extended component.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Table Pager - Deluxe Style <hx:pagerDeluxe> Within a data table, defines a "deluxe" pager control used to move to other pages of the table. Click

Add a deluxe pager on the

Display options tab of the

Properties view for the Data table - extended component.

Table Pager - Goto Style <hx:pagerGoto> Within a data table, defines a "goto style" pager control used to move to other pages of the table. Click

Add a goto pager on the

Display options tab of the

Properties view for the Data table - extended component.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Table Pager - Simple Style <hx:pagerSimple> Within a data table, defines a "simple" pager control used to move to other pages of the table. Click

Add a simple pager on the

Display options tab of the

Properties view for the Data table - extended component.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Table Pager - Web Style <hx:pagerWeb> Within a data table, defines a "web-style" pager control used to move to other pages of the table. Click

Add a web style pager on the

Display options tab of the

Properties view for the Data table - extended component.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Row Categorization <hx:panelRowCategory> Within a data table, defines categorization of rows in the table (organizing the rows into collapsible sections). Click

Add column to categorize table rows on the

Display options tab of the

Properties view for the Data table - extended component.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Table Selection - Button Options <hx:outputSelectIcons> Within a data table, defines buttons in the table header used to change the selection in the table.

  1. Click

    Add selection column to the table on the

    Row actions tab of the

    Properties view for the Data table - extended component.

  2. Click

    Add selection toolbar in the

    hx:inputRowSelect tab of the

    Properties view.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Table Selection - Menu Options <hx:outputSelectMenu> Within a data table, defines a menu in the table header used to change the selection in the table.

  1. Click

    Add selection column to the table on the

    Row actions tab of the

    Properties view for the Data table - extended component.

  2. Click

    Add selection combo box in the

    hx:inputRowSelect tab of the

    Properties view.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Column Sorting <hx:sortHeader> Within a data table, defines which columns support resorting the table based on the column content.

  1. In the

    Page Design view, click the column header.

  2. In the

    hx:columnEx tab of the

    Properties view, select a sort order from the

    Sort order list.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Table Statistics <hx:outputStatistics> Within a data table, defines the summary information (for example, row count) to be displayed. Click

Add page information on the

Display options tab of the

Properties view for the Data table - extended component.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Chart <odc:graphDraw> Displays data as a chart. Drag the Chart component from the Palette onto the page.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Graph Data <odc:graphDrawData> Displays data as a graph. This tag is automatically added to the page when the Chart component is added to the page.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Graph Data Series <odc:graphDrawDataSeries> Displays a series of data. Click

Add Series on the

Y-axis values tab of the

Properties view for the Chart component.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Graph Labels <odc:graphDrawLabels> Displays the values on the x-axis. This tag is automatically added to the page when the Chart component is added to the page.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Data Tree <odc:tree> Displays data as a tree. Drag the Data Tree component from the Palette onto the page.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.

Tree Node <odc:treeNodeAttr> Displays data as a tree. This tag is automatically added to the page when the Data Tree component is added to the page.

Note: This component is only available on the Enhanced Faces Components drawer of the palette.


Related concepts

Data table components

1 Click the link to see the component properties.