Testing a Web service with the Data Web Services Test Client

After you develop a Web service, you can use the Data Web Services Test Client to test your Web service.


The Data Web Services Test Client provides the following features:

In addition to the Data Web Services Test Client, there is limited testing available in the WSDL Explorer, which is part of the Web Services Explorer. For detailed information about using the WSDL Explorer to test a deployed Web service, refer to Testing a Web service in the WSDL Explorer.

There are two methods for launching the Data Web Services Test Client. Follow the steps below to launch the test client at any time, or select to launch the test client automatically when you deploy a Web service with the Deploy Web Service wizard.

You can launch the test client outside of the workbench using a supported browser by entering this URL: http://server:port/context_root.

To test a Web service with the Data Web Services Test Client:

  1. Right-click the Web service in a data development project, and then select

    Launch Data Web Services Test Client.

    The test client opens in a browser view. All of the operations that are included in the Web service are displayed in the

    Operations list.

  2. Select an operation from the

    Operations list.

  3. In the

    Parameters section, specify values for the required parameters of the operation . If a parameter is nullable, a check box is displayed next to the parameter. If you want to enter an empty value, leave the parameter input field blank.

  4. In the

    Control Parameters section, specify a value for each control parameter in the list.

  5. Select a message protocol from the

    Binding Types list.

  6. If the

    Output Format options are available and you do not want to use the output format that is the default for your selected message protocol, select the other option.

  7. Click

    Submit Request.

The sample request and response strings for the Web service are displayed in the bottom part of the window. Repeat this process to test other operations in the Web service.


Related tasks

Deploying Web services through the workbench


Related reference

Supported message protocols

Message output formats