Verifying your configuration of Decision Center
- Publishing a project
- Publishing the projects for the Decision Center tutorials to Decision Center
- Opening the Decision Center Enterprise console
- Running the Decision Center Enterprise console diagnostics
- Opening the Decision Center Business console
Verifying your configuration of Decision Center
You can start using Decision Center after you have deployed the Decision Center archive.
Publishing a project
After completing the configuration, Decision Center is ready to be used but does not contain a rule project. You have to publish a rule project from Rule Designer.
To carry out the tutorials found in the Decision Center online help, you have to publish the following rule projects from Rule Designer:
- loanvalidation-rules (with loanvalidation-xom)
- loanvalidation-rules-dependent
- squery-loanvalidation-rules (with squery-loanvalidation-xom)
To open Rule Designer, click Start > All Programs > IBM > package_group > Rule Designer.
To import the projects for the Decision Center tutorials:
- In Rule Designer click File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace, and click Next.
- Click Select root directory, browse to <InstallDir>/studio/tutorials/shared and click OK.
- Select the projects and click Finish.
- Then publish them to Decision Center.
Publishing the projects for the Decision Center tutorials to Decision Center
After importing a project for Decision Center, you publish them to the server.
To publish projects to the Decision Center:
- In Rule Designer, right-click the loanvalidation-rules rule project, and click Decision Center > Connect.
- Complete the Decision Center Configuration dialog as follows. The warning message Connection not established displays until you establish the connection.
- User name
- rtsAdmin
- Password
- rtsAdmin
- http://localhost:<port>/teamserver
If your browser is not running on the same host as the application server, replace localhost with the address of the machine. If your Web application is mapped to a host on a port that is different to the port number shown, change the port number to your host port number.
- Data source
- Leave this field empty.
- If security is enabled, use https://localhost:<PORT_NUMBER>/teamserver.
- If you are working with the Decision Center Business Console, the default URL is http://localhost:<PORT_NUMBER>/decisioncenter.
- Click Connect.
The connection is established when the warning message closes and the Project configuration area becomes active.
- In the Project configuration area, check that Create a new project on Decision Center is selected, and then click Finish.
- The Synchronize Complete - Decision Center Participant dialog opens when the publishing process is complete. Click OK to close this dialog.
- A dialog opens asking you to change to Team Synchronizing perspective. Click Yes.
An empty Synchronize view opens, indicating that the projects in Rule Designer and Decision Center are the same. This means that your rules are now published to Decision Center.
Opening the Decision Center Enterprise console
You open the Decision Center console in a web browser.
After you have deployed the Decision Center EAR or WAR to your application server, you can open the Decision Center console by typing teamserver with the root URL in a web browser: http://localhost:<PORT_NUMBER>/teamserver.
Note: If security is enabled, use https://localhost:<PORT_NUMBER>/teamserver.
If your browser is not running on the same host as the application server, replace localhost with the address of the machine. If your web application is mapped to a host with a port that is different from the default port, use the port number of the host.
By default, the data source is jdbc/ilogDataSource. To specify a different data source, you have to pass it as a request parameter in the URL. For example:
The locale of the sign-in page is English by default. You can specify a locale parameter in the teamserver URL that switches the sign-in page to the required locale. For example:
http://localhost:<port>/teamserver?locale=es (assuming that your message files are localized).
If you sign in with another locale in the URL and want to change the locale afterward, click Options in the top banner. This saves the locale and restores it the next time you sign in.
If you open Decision Center but no database exists, you automatically access the Installation Settings wizard with only the Install tab available.
After completing the installation, Decision Center is ready to use but does not contain a rule project. When you open Decision Center at this point, you see the Configure tab with a message that Decision Center cannot find a project, and you should publish a rule project with Rule Designer or contact your administrator.
If you see this message, you have to publish a rule project from Rule Designer
This message also has a link to Run diagnostics (see Running the Decision Center Enterprise console diagnostics).
Running the Decision Center Enterprise console diagnostics
You can verify that the Decision Center Enterprise console has been successfully deployed and configured by running the diagnostics.
- Sign in to the Decision Center Enterprise console.
- Click the Configure tab.
- Click Diagnostics.
You see a report showing all the diagnostic tests that have just been run. A check mark is shown next to each check. Click Expand All to show details about all checks.
What to do next
To learn more about using the Enterprise console, go to Managing business rules or Managing event rules.
Opening the Decision Center Business console
You open the Decision Center console in a web browser.
After you have deployed the Decision Center EAR or WAR to your application server, you can open the Decision Center Business console by typing decisioncenter with the root URL in a web browser: http://localhost:<PORT_NUMBER>/decisioncenter.
Note: If security is enabled, use https://localhost:<PORT_NUMBER>/decisioncenter.
If your browser is not running on the same host as the application server, replace localhost with the address of the machine. If your web application is mapped to a host with a port that is different from the default port, use the port number of the host.
By default, the data source is jdbc/ilogDataSource. To specify a different data source, you have to pass it as a request parameter in the URL. For example:
The locale of the sign-in page is English by default. You can specify a locale parameter in the decisioncenter URL that switches the sign-in page to the required locale. For example:
http://localhost:<port>/decisioncenter?locale=es (assuming that your message files are localized).
If you sign in with another locale in the URL and want to change the locale afterward, click Options in the top banner. This saves the locale and restores it the next time you sign in.
What to do next
To learn more about using the Business console, go to Managing business rules with the Decision Center Business console.