For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
Migrate an existing iOS project to version V8.0.0 manually
Migrate your existing native iOS project manually within your Xcode project and continue developing with IBM MobileFirstâ„¢ Platform Foundation V8.0.0.
Before you begin
Before you begin we must:
- be working in Xcode 7.0 (iOS 9) or later.
- have an existing native iOS project that was created with IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation 6.2.0 or later.
- have access to a copy of the V8.0.0 MobileFirst iOS SDK files. See Acquiring the MobileFirst SDK from the MobileFirst Operations Console.
- Delete all of the existing references to the static library libWorklightStaticLibProjectNative.a in the Link Binary With Libraries tab of Build Phases section.
- Delete the Headers folder from the WorklightAPI folder.
- In the Build Phases section, link the main required framework IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundation.framework file in the Link Binary With Libraries tab.
This framework provides core MobileFirst functionality. Similarly, we can add other frameworks for optional functionality (see Optional frameworks for iOS).
- Similar to the preceding step, link the following resources to our project in the Link Binary With Libraries section of the Build Phases tab.
- SystemConfiguration.framework
- MobileCoreServices.framework
- Security.framework
Note: Some frameworks might already be linked.
- libstdc++.6.tbd
- libz.tbd
- libc++.tbd
- Remove $(SRCROOT)/WorklightAPI/include from the header search path.
- Replace all of the existing MobileFirst imports of headers with a single entry of the following new umbrella header:
- Objective C:
#import <IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundation/IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundation.h>
- Swift:
import IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundation
Your application is now upgraded to work with the IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation, V8.0.0 iOS SDK.
What to do next
- Replace the client-side APIs that are discontinued or not in V8.0.0. For more information about the changes in the client-side API, see Update the iOS code. For more information about the migration assistance tool, see Scanning existing MobileFirst native iOS apps to prepare for MobileFirst version 8.0.
- Before we can access server resources, we must register your app. See Register iOS applications to MobileFirst Server. For details about the mfpclient.plist file, see iOS client properties file.
Parent topic: Migrating existing native iOS applications