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Install MobileFirst Server in command line mode

Use the command line mode of IBM® Installation Manager and Ant tasks to install MobileFirst Server.

Before you begin

  1. Make sure that one of the following databases and a supported Java™ version are installed. You also need the corresponding JDBC driver for the database to be available on your computer:

    • Database Management System (DBMS) from the list of supported database:

      • DB2®
      • MySQL
      • Oracle


      You must have a database where you can create the tables that are needed by the product, and a database user who can create tables in that database.

      In the tutorial, the steps to create the tables are for DB2. We can find the DB2 installer as a package of IBM MobileFirst™ Platform Foundation eAssembly on IBM Passport Advantage®.

    • JDBC driver for our database.

      • For DB2, use the DB2 JDBC driver type 4.
      • For MySQL, use the Connector/J JDBC driver.
      • For Oracle, use the Oracle thin JDBC driver.

    • Java 7 or later.

  2. Download the installer of IBM Installation Manager V1.8.4 or later from Installation Manager and Packaging Utility download links.
  3. You must also have the installation repository of the MobileFirst Server and the installer of WebSphere® Application Server Liberty Core V8.5.5.3 or later. Download these packages from the IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation eAssembly on Passport Advantage:

      MobileFirst Server installation repository
      IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation V8.0 .zip file of Installation Manager Repository for IBM MobileFirst Platform Server
      WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile
      IBM WebSphere Application Server - Liberty Core V8.5.5.3 or later

This tutorial goes through the following steps:

  1. Install IBM Installation Manager
  2. Install WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core
  3. Install MobileFirst Server
  4. Create a database
  5. Deploy MobileFirst Server to Liberty with Ant tasks
  6. Testing the installation
  7. Create a farm of two Liberty servers that run MobileFirst Server
  8. Testing the farm and see the changes in MobileFirst Operations Console

Parent topic: Tutorials about MobileFirst Server installation

Install IBM Installation Manager

You must install Installation Manager V1.8.4 or later. The older versions of Installation Manager are not able to install IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation V8.0 because the postinstallation operations of the product require Java 7. The older versions of Installation Manager come with Java 6.


  1. Extract the IBM Installation Manager archive file that is downloaded. We can find the installer at Installation Manager and Packaging Utility download links.
  2. Review the license agreement for IBM Installation Manager that is in unzip_IM_1.8.x/license directory.
  3. If you accept the license agreement after the review, install Installation Manager.

    • Run installc.exe to install Installation Manager as administrator. Root is needed on Linux or UNIX. On Windows, the administrator privilege is needed. In this mode, the information about the installed packages is placed in a shared location on the disk and any user that is allowed to run Installation Manager can update the applications.

      The executable file name ends with c (installc) for a command line installation without a graphical user interface. To install Installation Manager, enter installc.exe -acceptLicence.

    • Run userinstc.exe to install Installation Manager in user mode. No specific privilege is needed. However, in this mode, the information about the installed packages are placed in the user's home directory. Only that user can update the applications that are installed with Installation Manager.

      The executable ends with c (userinstc) for a command line installation without a graphical user interface. To install Installation Manager, enter userinstc.exe -acceptLicence.

Install WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core

The installer for WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core is provided as part of the package for IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation. In this task, Liberty profile is installed and a server instance is created so that we can install MobileFirst Server on it.


  1. Review the license agreement for WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core. The license files can be viewed when you download the installer from Passport Advantage.
  2. Extract the compressed file of WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core, that you downloaded, to a folder.

    In the steps that follow, the directory where you extract the installer is referred as liberty_repository_dir. It contains a repository.config file or a diskTag.inf file, among many other files.

  3. Decide a directory where Liberty profile is to be installed. It is referred as liberty_install_dir in the next steps.
  4. Start a command line and go to installation_manager_install_dir/tools/eclipse/.
  5. If you accept the license agreement after the review, install Liberty.

    Enter the command: imcl install com.ibm.websphere.liberty.v85 -repositories liberty_repository_dir -installationDirectory liberty_install_dir -acceptLicense This command installs Liberty in the liberty_install_dir directory. The -acceptLicense option means that you accept the license terms for the product.

  6. Move the directory that contains the servers in a location that does not need specific privileges.

    For the scope of this tutorial, if liberty_install_dir points to a location where non-administrator or non-root users cannot modify the files, move the directory that contains the servers to a location that does not need specific privileges. In this way, the installation operations can be done without specific privileges.

    1. Go to the installation directory of Liberty.
    2. Create a directory named etc. We need administrator or root privileges.
    3. In etc directory, create a server.env file with the following content:

        WLP_USER_DIR=<path to a directory where any user can write>

      For example, on Windows:


  7. Create a Liberty server that will be used to install the first node of MobileFirst Server at the later part of the tutorial.

    1. Start a command line.
    2. Go to liberty_install_dir/bin, and enter server create mfp1.

      This command creates a Liberty server instance named mfp1. We can see its definition at liberty_install_dir/usr/servers/mfp1 or WLP_USER_DIR/servers/mfp1 (if you modify the directory as described in step 6).


After the server is created, we can start this server with server start mfp1 from liberty_install_dir/bin/.

To stop the server, enter the command: server stop mfp1 from liberty_install_dir/bin/.

The default home page can be viewed at http://localhost:9080.

Note: For production, you need to make sure that the Liberty server is started as a service when the host computer starts. Making the Liberty server start as a service is not part of this tutorial.

Install MobileFirst Server

Before you begin

Make sure that Installation Manager V1.8.4 or later is installed. The installation of MobileFirst Server might not succeed with an older version of Installation Manager because the postinstallation operations require Java 7. The older versions of Installation Manager come with Java 6.

Run Installation Manager to install the binary files of MobileFirst Server on your disk before you create the databases and deploy MobileFirst Server to Liberty profile. In this tutorial, you install MobileFirst Server without IBM MobileFirst Platform Application Center. Application Center is a different component of the product and it is not required to be installed with MobileFirst Server. We need to specify two properties in the command so that Application Center in not installed together with MobileFirst Server. For more information about Application Center, see Install and configure the Application Center.

You also need to specify one property to indicate whether to activate token licensing or not. In this tutorial, it is assumed that token licensing is not needed and the steps to configure MobileFirst Server for token licensing are not included. However, for production installation, we must determine whether you need to activate token licensing or not. If you do not have a contract to use token licensing with the Rational® License Key Server, you do not need to activate token licensing. If you activate token licensing, we must configure MobileFirst Server for token licensing. For more information, see token licensing for MobileFirst Server, we must install the Rational Common Licensing library and configure your application server to connect MobileFirst Server to the Rational License Key Server.">Install and configure for token licensing.

In this tutorial, you specify the properties as the parameters through the imcl command line. This specification can also be done by using a response file.


  1. Review the license agreement for MobileFirst Server. The license files can be viewed when you download the installation repository from Passport Advantage.
  2. Extract the compressed file of MobileFirst Server installer, that you downloaded, to a folder.

    In the steps that follow, the directory where you extract the installer is referred as mfp_repository_dir. It contains a MobileFirst_Platform_Server/disk1 folder.

  3. Start a command line and go to installation_manager_install_dir/tools/eclipse/.
  4. If you accept the license agreement after the review in step 1, install MobileFirst Server.

    Enter the command: imcl install com.ibm.mobilefirst.foundation.server -repositories mfp_repository_dir/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/disk1 -properties user.appserver.selection2=none,user.database.selection2=none,user.database.preinstalled=false,user.licensed.by.tokens=false,user.use.ios.edition=false -acceptLicense

    The following properties are defined to have an installation without Application Center:

    • user.appserver.selection2=none
    • user.database.selection2=none
    • user.database.preinstalled=false

    This property indicates that token licensing is not activated: user.licensed.by.tokens=false.

    Set the value of the user.use.ios.edition property to false to install IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation.


An installation directory that contains the resources to install MobileFirst components is installed.

We can find the resources in the following folders:

The goal of this tutorial is to install MobileFirst Server by using the resources in MobileFirstServer folder.

We can also find some shortcuts for the Server Configuration Tool, Ant, and mfpadm program in the shortcuts folder.

Create a database

This task is to ensure that a database exists in your DBMS, and that a user is allowed to use the database, create tables in it, and use the tables. We can skip this task if you plan to use Derby database.

The database is used to store the technical data that is used by the various MobileFirst components:

In this tutorial, the tables for all the components are placed under the same schema.

Note: The steps in this task are for DB2. If we plan to use MySQL or Oracle, see Database requirements.


  1. Log on to the computer that is running the DB2 server. It is assumed that a DB2 user, for example named as mfpuser, exists.
  2. Verify that this DB2 user has the access to a database with a page size 32768 or more, and is allowed to create implicit schemas and tables in that database.

    By default, this user is a user declared on the operating system of the computer that runs DB2. That is, a user with a login for that computer. If such user exists, the next action in step 3 is not needed.

  3. Create a database with the correct page size for this installation if you do not have one.

    1. Open a session with a user that has SYSADM or SYSCTRL permissions. For example, use the user db2inst1 that is the default admin user that is created by the DB2 installer.
    2. Open a DB2 command line processor:

      • On Windows systems, click Start > IBM DB2 > Command Line Processor.
      • On Linux or UNIX systems, go to ~/sqllib/bin (or db2_install_dir/bin if sqllib is not created in the administrator's home directory) and enter ./db2.

    3. Enter the following SQL statements to create a database that is called MFPDATA:


      If you defined a different user name, replace mfpuser with your own user name.

      Note: The statement does not remove the default privileges granted to PUBLIC in a default DB2 database. For production, you might need to reduce the privileges in that database to the minimum requirement for the product. For more information about DB2 security and an example of the security practices, see DB2 security, Part 8: Twelve DB2 security best practices.

Deploy MobileFirst Server to Liberty with Ant tasks

We use the Ant tasks to run the following operations:

The following MobileFirst applications are not deployed by Ant tasks:


Pick the appropriate XML file that contains the Ant tasks and configure the properties.

  1. Make a copy of the mfp_install_dir/MobileFirstServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-db2.xml file to a working directory.

    This file contains the Ant tasks for installing MobileFirst Server on Liberty with DB2 as the database. Before we use it, define the properties to describe where the applications of MobileFirst Server are to be deployed.

  2. Edit the copy of the XML file and set the values of the following properties:

    • mfp.admin.contextroot to /mfpadmin
    • mfp.runtime.contextroot to /mfp
    • database.db2.host to the value to the host name of the computer that runs your DB2 database. If the database is on the same computer as Liberty, use localhost.
    • database.db2.port to the port to which the DB2 instance is listening. By default, it is 50000.
    • database.db2.driver.dir to the directory that contains your DB2 driver: db2jcc4.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar. In a standard DB2 distribution, these files are found in db2_install_dir/java.
    • database.db2.mfp.dbname to MFPDATA - the database name that you create in Create a database.
    • database.db2.mfp.schema to MFPDATA - the value of the schema where the tables for MobileFirst Server are to be created. If your DB user is not able to create a schema, set the value to an empty string. For example, database.db2.mfp.schema="".
    • database.db2.mfp.username to the DB2 user that creates the tables. This user also uses the tables at run time. For this tutorial, use mfpuser.
    • appserver.was.installdir to the Liberty installation directory.
    • appserver.was85liberty.serverInstance to mfp1 - the value to the name of the Liberty server where MobileFirst Server is to be installed.
    • mfp.farm.configure to false to install MobileFirst Server in stand-alone mode.
    • mfp.analytics.configure to false. The connection to MobileFirst Analytics is not in the scope of this tutorial. We can ignore the other properties mfp.analytics.****.
    • mfp.admin.client.id to admin-client-id.
    • mfp.admin.client.secret to adminSecret (or choose another secret password).
    • mfp.push.client.id to push-client-id.
    • mfp.push.client.secret to pushSecret (or choose another secret password).
    • mfp.config.admin.user to the user name of the MobileFirst Server live update service. In a server farm topology, the user name must be the same for all the members of the farm.
    • mfp.config.admin.password to the password of the MobileFirst Server live update service. In a server farm topology, the password must be the same for all the members of the farm.

  3. Keep the default values of the following properties as-is:

    • mfp.admin.console.install to true
    • mfp.admin.default.user to admin - the name of a default user that is created to log in to MobileFirst Operations Console.
    • mfp.admin.default.user.initialpassword to admin - the password of a default user that is created to log in to the admin console.
    • appserver.was.profile to Liberty. If the value is different, the Ant task assumes that the installation is on a WebSphere Application Server server.

  4. Save the file after the properties are defined.
  5. Run the command mfp_server_install_dir/shortcuts/ant -f configure-liberty-db2.xml. This command shows a list of possible targets for the Ant file.
  6. Run mfp_server_install_dir/shortcuts/ant -f configure-liberty-db2.xml databases to create the database tables.
  7. Run mfp_server_install_dir/shortcuts/ant -f configure-liberty-db2.xml install to install MobileFirst Server.

Note: If you do not have DB2, and want to test the installation with an embedded Derby as a database, use the mfp_install_dir/MobileFirstServer/configuration-samples/configure-liberty-derby.xml file. However, we cannot do the last step of this tutorial (Create a farm of two Liberty servers that run MobileFirst Server) because the Derby database cannot be accessed by multiple Liberty servers. You must set the properties except the DB2 related ones (database.db2...). For Derby, set the value of the property database.derby.datadir to the directory where Derby database can be created. Also, set the value of the property database.derby.mfp.dbname to MFPDATA.


We can see a detail of the operations done in the log file of the Ant tasks.

The following operations are run by the Ant tasks:

  1. The tables for the following components are created in the database:

    • The administration service and the live update service. Created by the admdatabases Ant target.
    • The runtime component. Created by the rtmdatabases Ant target.
    • The push service. Created by the pushdatabases Ant target.

  2. The WAR files of the various components are deployed to Liberty server. We can see the details of the operations in the log under adminstall, rtminstall, and pushinstall targets.

If you have access to the DB2 server, we can list the tables that are created by using these instructions:

  1. Open a DB2 command line processor with mfpuser as described in step 3 of Create a database.
  2. Enter the SQL statements:

      CONNECT TO MFPDATA USER mfpuser USING mfpuser_password

Take note of the following database factors:

The server.xml file and some application server setting are modified during the installation. Before each modification, a copy of the server.xml file is made, such as server.xml.bak, server.xml.bak1, and server.xml.bak2. To see everything that was added, we can compare the server.xml file with the oldest backup (server.xml.bak). On Linux, we can use the command diff --strip-trailing-cr server.xml server.xml.bak to see the differences. On AIX®, use the command diff server.xml server.xml.bak to find the differences.

Testing the installation

After the installation is complete, we can use this procedure to test the components that are installed.


  1. Start the server by using the command server start mfp1. The binary file for the server is in liberty_install_dir/bin.
  2. Test MobileFirst Operations Console with a web browser.

    Go to http://localhost:9080/mfpconsole. By default, the server runs on port 9080. However, we can verify the port in the element <httpEndpoint> as defined in the server.xml file. A login screen is displayed.

    MobileFirst Operations Console login page

  3. Log in with admin/admin.

    This user is created by default.

    Note: If you connect with HTTP, the login ID and password are sent in clear text in the network. For a secure login, use HTTPS to log to the server. We can see the HTTPS port of the Liberty server in the httpsPort attribute of the <httpEndpoint> element in the server.xml file. By default, the value is 9443.

  4. Log out of the console with Hello Admin > Sign Out.
  5. Enter the following URL: https://localhost:9443/mfpconsole in the web browser and accept the certificate.

    By default, the Liberty server generates a default certificate that is not known by your web browser, you need to accept the certificate. Mozilla Firefox presents this certification as a security exception.

  6. Log in again with admin/admin.

    The login and password are encrypted between your web browser and MobileFirst Server. In production, you might want to close the HTTP port.

Create a farm of two Liberty servers that run MobileFirst Server

In this task, you will create a second Liberty server that runs the same MobileFirst Server and connected to the same database. In production, you might use more than one server for performance reasons, to have enough servers to serve the number of transactions per second that is needed for our mobile applications at peak time. It is also for high availability reasons to avoid having a single point of failure.

When we have more than one server that runs MobileFirst Server, the servers must be configured as a farm. This configuration enables any administration service to contact all the runtimes of a farm. If the cluster is not configured as a farm, only the runtime that runs in the same application server as the management service that runs the management operation is notified. Others runtimes are not aware of the change. For example, you deploy a new version of an adapter in a cluster that is not configured as a farm, only one server would serve the new adapter. The other servers would continue to serve the old adapter. The only situation where we can have a cluster and do not need to configure a farm is when you install your servers on WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment. The administration service is able to find all the servers by querying the JMX beans with the deployment manager. The deployment manager must be running to allow management operations because it is used to provide the list of the MobileFirst JMX beans of the cell.

When we create a farm, you also need to configure an HTTP server to send queries to all the members of the farm. The configuration of an HTTP server is not included in this tutorial. This tutorial is only about configuring the farm so that management operations are replicated to all the runtime components of the cluster.


  1. Create a second Liberty server on the same computer.

    1. Start a command line.
    2. Go to liberty_install_dir/bin, and enter server create mfp2.
  2. Modify the HTTP and HTTPS ports of the server mfp2 so that they do not conflict with the ports of server mfp1.

    1. Go to the second server directory.

      The directory is liberty_install_dir/usr/servers/mfp2 or WLP_USER_DIR/servers/mfp2 (if you modify the directory as described in step 6 of Install WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core).

    2. Edit the server.xml file. Replace

        <httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint"
            httpsPort="9443" />


        <httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint"
            httpsPort="9444" />

      The HTTP and HTTPS ports of the server mfp2 do not conflict with the ports of the server mfp1 with this change. Make sure to modify the ports before you run the installation of MobileFirst Server. Otherwise, if you modify the port after the installation is made, you also need to reflect the change of the port in the JNDI property: mfp.admin.jmx.port.

  3. Copy the Ant file that we used in Deploy MobileFirst Server to Liberty with Ant tasks, and change the value of the property appserver.was85liberty.serverInstance to mfp2. The Ant tasks detect that the databases exist and do not create the tables (see the following log extract). Then, the applications are deployed to the server.

      [configuredatabase] Checking connectivity to MobileFirstAdmin database MFPDATA with schema 'MFPDATA' and user 'mfpuser'...
      [configuredatabase] Database MFPDATA exists.
      [configuredatabase] Connection to MobileFirstAdmin database MFPDATA with schema 'MFPDATA' and user 'mfpuser' succeeded.
      [configuredatabase] Getting the version of MobileFirstAdmin database MFPDATA...
      [configuredatabase] Table MFPADMIN_VERSION exists, checking its value...
      [configuredatabase] GetSQLQueryResult => MFPADMIN_VERSION = 8.0.0
      [configuredatabase] Configuring MobileFirstAdmin database MFPDATA...
      [configuredatabase] The database is in latest version (8.0.0), no upgrade required.
      [configuredatabase] Configuration of MobileFirstAdmin database MFPDATA succeeded.

  4. Test the two servers with HTTP connection.

    1. Open a web browser.
    2. Enter the following URL: http://localhost:9080/mfpconsole. The console is served by server mfp1.
    3. Log in with admin/admin.
    4. Open a tab in the same web browser and enter the URL: http://localhost:9081/mfpconsole. The console is served by server mfp2.
    5. Log in with admin/admin. If the installation is done correctly, we can see the same welcome page in both tabs after login.
    6. Return to first browser tab and click Hello, admin > Download Audit Log. You are logged out of the console and see the login screen again.

      This logout behavior is an issue. The problem happens because when you log on to server mfp2, a Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) token is created and stored in your browser as a cookie. However, this LTPA token is not recognized by server mfp1. Switching between servers is likely to happen in a production environment when you have an HTTP load balancer in front of the cluster. To resolve this issue, we must ensure that both servers (mfp1 and mfp2) generate the LTPA tokens with the same secret keys. Copy the LTPA keys from server mfp1 to server mfp2.

      1. Stop both servers with these commands:

          server stop mfp1
          server stop mfp2

      2. Copy the LTPA keys of server mfp1 to server mfp2.

        From liberty_install_dir/usr/servers or WLP_USER_DIR/servers, run the following command depending on your operating system.

        • On UNIX: cp mfp1/resources/security/ltpa.keys mfp2/resources/security/ltpa.keys
        • On Windows: copy mfp1/resources/security/ltpa.keys mfp2/resources/security/ltpa.keys

    7. Restart the servers. Switch from one browser tab to another other does not require you to relogin. In a Liberty server farm, all servers must have the same LTPA keys.
  5. Enable the JMX communication between the Liberty servers.

    The JMX communication with Liberty, is done via the Liberty REST connector over the HTTPS protocol. To enable this communication, each server of the farm must be able to recognize the SSL certificate of the other members. We need to exchange the HTTPS certificates in their truststores. Use IBM utilities such as Keytool, which is part of the IBM JRE distribution in java/bin to configure the truststore. The locations of keystore and truststore are defined in the server.xml file. See the keyStoreRef and trustStoreRef attributes in SSL configuration attributes. By default, the keystore of Liberty profile is at WLP_USER_DIR/servers/server_name/resources/security/key.jks. The password of this default keystore, as can be seen in the server.xml file, is mobilefirst.

    Tip: We can change it with the Keytool utility, but we must also change the password in the server.xml file so that Liberty server can read that keystore. In this tutorial, use the default password.

    1. In WLP_USER_DIR/servers/mfp1/resources/security, enter keytool -list -keystore key.jks. The command shows the certificates in the keystore. There is only one named default. You are prompted for the password of the keystore (mobilefirst) before we can see the keys. This is the case for all the next commands with Keytool utility.
    2. Export the default certificate of server mfp1 with the command: keytool -exportcert -keystore key.jks -alias default -file mfp1.cert.
    3. In WLP_USER_DIR/servers/mfp2/resources/security, export the default certificate of server mfp2 with the command: keytool -exportcert -keystore key.jks -alias default -file mfp2.cert.
    4. In the same directory, import the certificate of server mfp1 with the command: keytool -import -file ../../../mfp1/resources/security/mfp1.cert -keystore key.jks The certificate of server mfp1 is imported into the keystore of server mfp2 so that server mfp2 can trust the HTTPS connections to server mfp1. You are asked to confirm that you trust the certificate.
    5. In WLP_USER_DIR/servers/mfp1/resources/security, import the certificate of server mfp2 with the command: keytool -import -file ../../../mfp2/resources/security/mfp2.cert -keystore key.jks. After this step, the HTTPS connections between the two servers are possible.
  6. Modify the JNDI properties of each server to configure the farm.

    1. Edit the WLP_USER_DIR/servers/mfp1/server.xml file.
      1. Set the value of mfp.topology.clustermode property to Farm. The administrations service operates in farm mode with this setting.
      2. Add this JNDI entry: <jndiEntry jndiName="mfp.admin.serverid" value="mfp1"/>. Each server of the farm needs to have a unique server ID.
      3. Review the value of mfp.admin.jmx.host property. In this tutorial, the value is set to localhost. This setting is acceptable if all clusters of the farm are running on the same computer. However, in general, the host name must be resolvable by all the members of the farm. Set the host name of the computer as the value of mfp.admin.jmx.host.

    1. Edit the WLP_USER_DIR/servers/mfp2/server.xml file and proceed with the same changes. For this JNDI entry (mfp.admin.serverid), we must give a value that is different from mfp1. Use mfp2.

    Note: This procedure shows you the complete manual steps to configure the already installed Liberty server as the members of a farm. If we plan to install the server farm members, some steps can be automated by Ant tasks. We can configure the Ant tasks by setting the values of the following properties:

    • Set mfp.farm.configure to true.
    • mfp.farm.server.id: An identifier that you define for each farm member. This identifier must be unique across all farm members.

    For more information, see Install a server farm with Ant tasks.

Testing the farm and see the changes in MobileFirst Operations Console


  1. Start the two servers:

      server start mfp1
      server start mfp2

  2. Access the console. For example, http://localhost:9080/mfpconsole, or https://localhost:9443/mfpconsole in HTTPS. In the left sidebar, an extra menu that is labeled as Server Farm Nodes appears. If you click Server Farm Nodes, we can view the status of each node. You might need to wait a bit for both nodes to be started.