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JSONStore security
We can secure all of the collections in a store by encrypting them.
To encrypt all of the collections in a store, pass a password to the init (JavaScript) or open (Native iOS and Native Android) API. If no password is passed, none of the documents in the store collections are encrypted.
Some security artifacts (for example salt) are stored in the keychain (iOS), shared preferences (Android), isolated storage (Windows 8 Phone), or the credential locker (Windows 8). The store is encrypted with a 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) key. All keys are strengthened with Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2).
Data encryption is only available on Android, iOS, Windows 8 Phone, and Windows 8 environments. We can choose to encrypt data collections for an application, but you cannot switch between encrypted and plain-text formats, or to mix formats within a store.
The key that protects the data in the store is based on the user password that you provide. The key does not expire, but we can change it by calling the changePassword API.
The data protection key (DPK) is the key used to decrypt the contents of the store. The DPK is kept in the iOS keychain even if the application is uninstalled. To remove both the key in the keychain and everything else that JSONStore puts in the application, use the destroy API. This process is not applicable to Android because the encrypted DPK is stored in shared preferences and wiped out when the application is uninstalled.
The first time that JSONStore opens a collection with a password, which means that the developer wants to encrypt data inside the store, JSONStore needs a random token. That random token can be obtained from the client or from the server.
When the localKeyGen key is present in the JavaScript implementation of the JSONStore API, and it has a value of true, a cryptographically secure token is generated locally. Otherwise, the token is generated by contacting the server, thus requiring connectivity to the MobileFirst Server. This token is required only the first time that a store is opened with a password. The native implementations (Objective-C and Java™) generate a cryptographically secure token locally by default, or we can pass one through the secureRandom option.
The trade-off is between opening a store offline and trusting the client to generate that random token (less secure), or opening the store with access to the MobileFirst Server (requires connectivity) and trusting the server (more secure).
- Windows 8 Universal encryption
We can secure all of the collections in a store by encrypting them.- SQLCipher on Windows 8 Universal
To use JSONStore encryption on Windows, we must replace SQLite with SQLCipher.
Parent topic: JSONStore advanced topics