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For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.

Client app development environments

With IBM MobileFirstâ„¢ Platform Foundation, we can develop your mobile app in the development environment of your choice as a native app or as a Cordova app.

We need two pieces in your development environment to develop a MobileFirst client application: a MobileFirst SDK, and the MobileFirst Platform CLI (mfpdev).

Depending on the target platform, the MobileFirst SDK is available in different ways:

In addition to these development-platform specific installation methods, we can also get the IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation Developer Kit to give you all of the components that you need to start developing your MobileFirst app.

When we develop your app, use the MobileFirst Platform CLI for the following types of tasks:

For more information about the MobileFirst Platform CLI, see The MobileFirst command-line interface (CLI).

Parent topic: Development concepts and overview