For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
Restarting the IBM MobileFirst Platform runtime from the WebSphere Application Server administrative console
If your MobileFirst Operations Console is empty after you deploy a PureApplication® System pattern based on the MobileFirst Platform (WAS ND) template, you might need to restart the IBM MobileFirst™ Platform runtime from the WebSphere® Application Server administrative console.
Before you begin
This procedure applies only when you are deploying PureApplication virtual system patterns based on the MobileFirst Platform (WAS ND) template when you are running the System Monitoring for WebSphere Application Server shared service. If you do not use this shared service or are deploying a pattern based on a different template, this procedure does not apply to you.You must deploy your pattern before you do this procedure.
To work correctly, the MobileFirst administration service nodes must be started before the IBM MobileFirst Platform runtime nodes. If the System Monitoring for WebSphere Application Server shared service is running when you deploy a pattern, the shared service restarts all of the WebSphere Application Server nodes that are deployed from the pattern. The nodes restart in a random order, which means that the IBM MobileFirst Platform runtime nodes might be started before the MobileFirst administration service nodes.
- Confirm that the System Monitoring for WebSphere Application Server shared service is deployed and running:
- In the PureApplication System dashboard, click Patterns and then under Pattern Instances, click Shared Services.
Important: Shared Services appears twice in the Patterns menu, ensure that you click Shared Services under Pattern Instances and not under Patterns..
- On the Shared Service Instances page, look for a name that starts with System Monitoring for WebSphere Application Server. Click that name to expand its entry
If you do not see an entry for System Monitoring for WebSphere Application Server, the System Monitoring for WebSphere Application Server shared service is not deployed and you do not need to continue with this procedure.
- Check the Status column for the service.
If Status says Stopped, the System Monitoring for WebSphere Application Server shared service is stopped and you do not need to continue with this procedure. If Status says Started, the System Monitoring for WebSphere Application Server shared service is running. Continue with the rest of this procedure.
- Confirm that your pattern is running, and access the MobileFirst Operations Console from the PureApplication System dashboard.
For instructions about how access the MobileFirst Operations Console from the PureApplication System dashboard, see step 10 in Deploy MobileFirst Server on clusters of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment servers.
- If the console appears empty or is otherwise not displaying MobileFirst runtimes, restart the IBM MobileFirst Platform runtime node from the WebSphere Application Server administrative console:
- In the PureApplication System dashboard, click Patterns > Virtual System Instances.
- On the Virtual System Instances page, find your pattern instance and confirm that it is running. If it is not running, start the pattern instance.
- Click the name of your pattern instance and in the details panel, find the Virtual machine perspective section.
- In the Virtual machine perspective section, find the virtual machine whose name starts with DmgrNode and note its public IP address.
- Open the WebSphere Application Server administrative console at the following URL:
https://{DmgrNode VM public IP address}:9043/ibm/console
Use the user ID and password that you specified for the WebSphere Application Server administrative console when you deployed the pattern.
- In the WebSphere Application Server administrative console, expand Applications and click All applications.
- Restart the IBM MobileFirst Platform runtime:
- In the list of applications, select the application with name that begins with IBM_Worklight_project_runtime_MFP.
- In the Action column, select Stop.
- Click Submit Action.
- Wait until the application status in the Status column shows the stopped icon.
- In the Action column, select Start.
- Click Submit Action.
Repeat this step for each IBM MobileFirst Platform runtime application in the list.
- Access the MobileFirst Operations Console again and confirm that your IBM MobileFirst Platform runtimes are now visible.
Parent topic: Deploy MobileFirst Server on clusters of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment servers
Related concepts:
MobileFirst runtime synchronization limitation with WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
Related tasks:
Deploy MobileFirst Server on clusters of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment servers