For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
MobileFirst runtime synchronization limitation with WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
If you deploy a PureApplication® pattern based on the MobileFirst Platform (WAS ND) template and run the System Monitoring for WebSphere® Application Server shared service, the MobileFirst runtime environment might fail to start correctly, when you deploy the pattern.
A PureApplication virtual system pattern based on the MobileFirst Platform (WAS ND) template deploys the MobileFirst administration service and the IBM MobileFirst™ Platform runtime into different WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment clusters. For the IBM MobileFirst Platform runtime to work correctly, it must be started after the MobileFirst administration service. If the IBM MobileFirst Platform runtime starts first, the runtime service fails to detect the MobileFirst administration service, which causes errors in the runtime service.
When the deployment of a PureApplication pattern is almost complete, the System Monitoring for WebSphere Application Server shared service restarts all of the WebSphere Application Server nodes that are deployed from the pattern. The nodes restart in a random order, so the nodes that contain the IBM MobileFirst Platform runtime might be restarted before the nodes that contain the MobileFirst administration service.
You must stop the System Monitoring for WebSphere Application Server shared service before you deploy the pattern. If we cannot stop the shared service, you might need to restart the IBM MobileFirst Platform runtime from the WebSphere Application Server administrative console to fix the problem.
Parent topic: Deploy MobileFirst Server on clusters of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment servers
Related tasks:
Deploy MobileFirst Server on clusters of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment servers