For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
Runtime (GET)
Retrieves metadata for a specific runtime.
Users in the following roles are authorized to perform this operation:
- mfpadmin
- mfpdeployer
- mfpmonitor
- mfpoperator
Path Parameters
- runtime-name
- The name of the runtime. This is the context root of the runtime web application, without the leading slash.
Query Parameters
Query parameters are optional.
- expand
- Set to true to show details of the applications and adapters. The default is false
- locale
- The locale used for error messages.
application/json, application/xml, text/xml
The metadata for the runtime.
JSON Example
{ "confidentialClients" : [ { "allowedScope" : "**", "displayName" : "Test Client", "id" : "test", "secret" : "test", }, ... ], "config" : { }, "name" : "myruntime", "numberOfActiveDevices" : 100, "numberOfDecommisionedDevices" : 5, "productVersion" : "8.0", "running" : true, "runtimeInfo" : { "adaptersSecurityChecks" : { }, "analytics" : { "analyticsEnabled" : { "defaultValue" : "true", "type" : boolean, }, }, "appAuthenticityEnabled" : true, "security" : { "activityUpdateThresholdSec" : { "defaultValue" : "3600", "type" : "integer", }, "expirationMarginSec" : { "defaultValue" : "2", "type" : "integer", }, "externalAZIntrospectionURL" : { "defaultValue" : "", "type" : "string", }, "externalAZSharedSecret" : { "defaultValue" : "secret", "type" : "string", }, }, "securityChecks" : { }, }, "synchronizationStatus" : "ok", }
XML Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <runtime name="myruntime" numberOfActiveDevices="100" numberOfDecommisionedDevices="5" productVersion="8.0" running="true" synchronizationStatus="ok"> <confidentialClients> <confidentialClient allowedScope="**" displayName="Test Client" id="test" secret="test"/> ... </confidentialClients> <config/> <runtimeInfo appAuthenticityEnabled="true"> <adaptersSecurityChecks/> <analytics> <analyticsEnabled defaultValue="true" type="boolean"/> </analytics> <security> <activityUpdateThresholdSec defaultValue="3600" type="integer"/> <expirationMarginSec defaultValue="2" type="integer"/> <externalAZIntrospectionURL defaultValue="" type="string"/> <externalAZSharedSecret defaultValue="secret" type="string"/> </security> <securityChecks/> </runtimeInfo> </runtime>
Response Properties
The response has the following properties:
- confidentialClients
- The array of confidential clients registered with the runtime.
- config
- The runtime configurations
- name
- The name of the runtime. This is the context root of the runtime web application, without the leading slash.
- numberOfActiveDevices
- The number of active devices using this runtime.
- numberOfAdapters
- The number of adapters deployed in this runtime (shown only with expand=false).
- numberOfApplications
- The number of applications deployed in this runtime (shown only with expand=false).
- numberOfDecommisionedDevices
- The number of devices decommissioned for this runtime.
- productVersion
- The exact product version.
- running
- Whether the runtime is currently active or has stopped.
- runtimeInfo
- The runtime Information
- synchronizationStatus
- The status of the nodes of the runtime. Can contain the values "ok" if all nodes of the runtime are running without error, "synchronizing" if some node is in progress of synchronizing, or an error message if some nodes failed to synchronize.
The conf-clients has the following properties:
- allowedScope
- The allowed scopes
- displayName
- The display Name of the confidential client.
- id
- The confidential client id.
- secret
- The secret of the confidential client.
The runtime-info has the following properties:
- adaptersSecurityChecks
- The adapter security check information
- analytics
- The analytics information
- appAuthenticityEnabled
- Whether application authenticity is enabled.
- security
- The security check information
- securityChecks
- The security check information
The analytics-check has the following properties:
- analyticsEnabled
- Analytics enabled
The analytics-enabled has the following properties:
- defaultValue
- Analytics enabled
- type
- The type
The security-check has the following properties:
- activityUpdateThresholdSec
- Activity update threshold value
- expirationMarginSec
- The expiration values in seconds
- externalAZIntrospectionURL
- External AZ introspection URL
- externalAZSharedSecret
- AZ shared secret
The az-value1 has the following properties:
- defaultValue
- The default value.
- type
- The type
The az-value2 has the following properties:
- defaultValue
- The default value for shared secret
- type
- The type
The az-value3 has the following properties:
- defaultValue
- The default value for activity update threshold
- type
- The type
The az-value4 has the following properties:
- defaultValue
- The default value for external AZ introspection url
- type
- The type
403The user is not authorized to call this service.404
The corresponding runtime is not found.500
An internal error occurred.
Parent topic: REST API for the MobileFirst Server administration service