For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
REST API for the MobileFirst Server administration service
The REST API provides several services to administer runtime adapters, applications, devices, audit, transactions, security, and push notifications.
The REST service API for adapters and applications for each runtime is in /management-apis/2.0/runtimes/runtime-name/, where runtime-name is the name of the runtime that is administered through the REST service. Then, the type of object addressed by the service is identified, together with the appropriate method. For example, /management-apis/2.0/runtimes/runtime-name/Adapters (POST) refers to the service for deploying an adapter.
- Adapter (GET)
- Adapter (DELETE)
- Adapter (POST)
- Adapters (GET)
- Adapter Configuration (GET)
- Adapter configuration (PUT)
- Application Authenticity (DELETE)
- Application Configuration (GET)
- Application Configuration (PUT)
- Application Descriptor (GET)
- Application Environment (GET)
- Application (GET)
- Application (POST)
- Applications (GET)
- Application License Configuration (POST)
- Application license configuration (GET)
- Application Version (GET)
- Application Version (DELETE)
- Audit (GET)
- Confidential Clients (GET)
- Confidential Clients (PUT)
- Create Subscription (POST)
- Create Tag (POST)
- Delete APNs settings (DELETE)
- Delete GCM settings (DELETE)
- Delete WNS settings (DELETE)
- Delete Message (DELETE)
- Delete Subscription (DELETE)
- Delete Tag (DELETE)
- Deploy (POST)
- Deploy Application Authenticity Data (POST)
- Deploy a web resource (POST)
- Device Application Status (PUT)
- Device Status (PUT)
- Device (DELETE)
- Devices (GET)
- Diagnostic Service (GET)
- Export adapter resources (GET)
- Export adapters (GET)
- Export application environment (GET)
- Export application environment resources (GET)
- Export application resources (GET)
- Export applications (GET)
- Export resources (GET)
- Export runtime resources (GET)
- Farm topology members (GET)
- Farm topology members (DELETE)
- Get Message (GET)
- Get Tags (GET)
- Get APNs Settings (GET)
- Get GCM Settings (GET)
- Get WNS Settings (GET)
- Global Configuration (GET)
- Keystore (GET)
- Keystore (POST)
- Keystore (DELETE)
- License configuration (DELETE)
- Push Device Registration (GET)
- Push Device Registration (DELETE)
- Push Device Subscription (GET)
- Register Application with Push Service (POST)
- Remove Subscription (DELETE)
- Retrieve Device Registration (GET)
- Retrieve Tag (GET)
- Retrieve Web Resource (GET)
- Retrieve Subscription to Push Service. (GET)
- Runtime Configuration (GET)
- Runtime configuration (PUT)
- Runtime (GET)
- Runtime (DELETE)
- Runtime Lock (GET)
- Runtime Lock (DELETE)
- Runtimes (GET)
- Send Bulk Messages (POST)
- Send Message (POST)
- Transaction (GET)
- Transactions (GET)
- Update Device Registration (PUT)
- Update APNs settings (PUT)
- Update GCM settings (PUT)
- Update WNS Settings (PUT)
- Update Tag Information (PUT)
Parent topic: API reference