Set up a production cluster
We can set up a production cluster for operational analytics.
For a production cluster, do not run the MPF Operational Analytics on the same server as the MobileFirst Server. The IBM MobileFirst Platform Operational Analytics uses a large amount of the computer's processor and memory resources. Each node should run on a separate server.
If we are deploying to a WebSphere Application Server cluster, also see Deploy in a clustered WebSphere Application Server environment.
To set up the production cluster, follow these steps.
- Set the heap size for the application server. The heap size has a very significant impact on the performance of the MPF Operational Analytics. The heap size must be set on each application server that is hosting a node. The -Xms Java option sets the minimum heap size value. The -Xmx Java option sets the maximum heap size value. For example, to reserve 8 GB of memory for the MPF Operational Analytics, set the following Java options:
-Xms8G -Xmx8G
- The minimum heap size for a production server is 8 GB.
- Do not allocate more than half of the system memory to the application server running the MPF Operational Analytics.
- Set the minimum and maximum heap size to the same value for an application server that is hosting the MPF Operational Analytics.
For an IBM MobileFirst Platform Operational Analytics that runs on a server with 32 GB of RAM, the optimal heap size is:
-Xms16G -Xmx16G
- Configure the first node in the cluster. The first node in the cluster is important because some properties can be set only by this node. It is important to ensure that the settings for the node are present before we start the application servers. The first node in a cluster must be a master node. A master node can also act as a data node.
After all of the JNDI properties are set, the application server can be started.
- Configure the node to be a master node. Set the nodetype JNDI property to master.
<jndiEntry jndiName="analytics/nodetype" value="master" />
By default, a node acts as a master and data node. To create a node that acts as both a master and a data node, the node type does not need to be set.
- Set the number of shards. Set the shards JNDI property to the number of shards you want.
<jndiEntry jndiName="analytics/shards" value="10" />
- Set the number of replicas. Set the replicas_per_shard JNDI property to the number of replicas you want.
<jndiEntry jndiName="analytics/replicas_per_shard" value="2" />
- Add a node to an existing cluster.
- Set the node type. Set the nodetype JNDI property to either master or data.
<jndiEntry jndiName="analytics/nodetype" value="master" /> <jndiEntry jndiName="analytics/nodetype" value="data" />By default, a node acts as a master and data node. To create a node that acts as both a master and a data node, the node type does not need to be set.
If we are deploying to a WebSphere Application Server cluster, do not set the nodetype JNDI property. All nodes in the WebSphere Application Server cluster must act as master and data nodes.
- Provide a list of the master nodes. Set the masternodes JNDI property to a comma delimited list of host names for the master node.
The default transport port is 9600. We can change this value using a JNDI property. For more information about the transport port, see Ports used by the MPF Operational Analytics.
For example:
<jndiEntry jndiName="analytics/masternodes" value="," />
- Configure Set the property to point to any of the nodes (can point to a master or data node).<port>/context-root>/data
We have set up a production cluster.
A node set as a pure data node cannot run on its own without a master node. The masternodes JNDI property must be set and must point to an active master node.
A node set as a pure master node cannot store data. Any attempts to store or view data from a master node fails until a data node connects to it.
Data nodes are active, which makes them more prone to network and hardware failures. If a data node fails, the cluster can still operate normally if the other data nodes are alive. If the master node or nodes fail, then the cluster cannot operate. Data nodes can communicate with only each other through master nodes. This behavior is why it is important to consider having separate master nodes that can run on servers with fewer chances for failure.
The same version of Java must be installed on all nodes in the cluster. Using different versions of Java for different nodes causes the cluster to fail.
- Deploy in a clustered WebSphere Application Server environment
We can deploy the Analytics Platform in a clustered WebSphere Application Server environment.
Parent topic: Production deployment and clustering