Integrate IBM Trusteer for iOS
You might want to integrate Trusteer with MPF.
- If we are using a Trusteer compressed archive:
- Make sure we have the following files:
- Trusteer Mobile iOS library: libtas_full.a.
- A MobileFirst-compatible Trusteer license file: tas.license
- A Trusteer configuration package: default_conf.rpkg
- A Trusteer Application Security Manifest: manifest.rpkg
You might need to generate the manifest manually. See Trusteer documentation.
If any of these items is missing, consult the local IBM representative.
- In the file system, create a tas folder and place in it the files listed previously.
- Continue from step 1.
- If we are using a Trusteer MobileFirst component, first follow the instructions in Add application components to MobileFirst projects, then continue from step 1.
Currently, Trusteer does not support arm64 architecture.
- In the Xcode project, drag the folder onto the project navigator.
- Select the check box Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed).
- Select the option Create folder references for any added folders.
- Make sure that the target is selected, then click Finish.
- Click the project name at the top of the tree in the Project Navigator, then click Build Phases.
- To link the project with the Trusteer library, drag the libtas_full.a file from the Project Navigator to the Link Binary With Libraries list.
To avoid possible link issues, arrange the items in the list so that libWorklightStaticLibProject.a appears at the top and libtas_full.a appears next.
- In Build Settings > Linking > Other Linker Flags, add: -force_load "$(SRCROOT)/tas/libtas_full.a".
- In Build Settings > Linking > Dead Code Stripping, select NO.
- In the Xcode Project Navigator, drag tas.license into the Resources group.
- In the dialog box that opens, click Finish.
- Open the tas.license file and check that the values for vendorId, clientId, and clientKey match the licensing information that was provided by Trusteer.
Parent topic: Integration with IBM Trusteer