Deploy MobileFirst projects
After creating projects and apps with MobileFirst Studio, deploy them to the production environment.
Before deploying, install MobileFirst Administration Components
We deploy MobileFirst runtime environments (WAR files) to an application server just as we would deploy any JEE application. Each deployed project must have a unique name and a unique context path.
An administration service must be installed on the application server where you install a runtime environment. Otherwise, the runtime environment cannot download its applications and adapters, and cannot start.
Choose between having several projects use the same database server, or make each project use a different database server. If several projects use the same database, configure each data source to connect to an independent data storage structure (fdifferent schemas on DB2, different user names on Oracle). Database sharing is not relevant for MySQL and Apache Derby.
Several instances of MobileFirst Server with different versions of MPF installed can share the same application server and the same MobileFirst administration service. However, they must be migrated to be compatible with the current version of the administration service.
See Separation of lifecycle between MobileFirst Server and MobileFirst Studio.