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Configure WAS Liberty profile

Configure the JEE security roles of the Application Center, and the data source in the server.xml file.

Review the definition of roles at Configure the Application Center after installation.

In WAS Liberty profile, we configure the roles of appcenteruser and appcenteradmin in the server.xml configuration file of the server.

To configure the security roles, edit the server.xml file. In the <application-bnd> element of each <application> element, create two <security-role> elements. One <security-role> element is for the appcenteruser role and the other is for the appcenteradmin role. Map the roles to the appropriate user group name appcenterusergroup or appcenteradmingroup. These groups are defined through the <basicRegistry> element. We can customize this element or replace it entirely with an <ldapRegistry> element or a <safRegistry> element.

Then, to maintain good response times with a large number of installed applications, for example with 80 applications, you should configure a connection pool for the Application Center database.

  1. Edit the server.xml file.

    For example:

    <security-role name="appcenteradmin">
      <group name="appcenteradmingroup"/>
    <security-role name="appcenteruser">
      <group name="appcenterusergroup"/>

    We must include this example in the <application-bnd> element of each <application> element: the appcenterconsole and applicationcenter applications.

    Replace the <security-role> elements that have been created during installation for test purposes.

    <basicRegistry id="appcenter">
      <user name="admin" password="admin"/>
      <user name="guest" password="guest"/>
      <user name="demo" password="demo"/>
      <group name="appcenterusergroup">
        <member name="guest"/>
        <member name="demo"/>
      <group name="appcenteradmingroup">
        <member name="admin" id="admin"/>

    This example shows a definition of users and groups in the basicRegistry of WAS Liberty. For more information about configuring a user registry for WAS Liberty profile, see Configure a user registry for the Liberty profile.

  2. Edit the server.xml file to define the AppCenterPool size.

  3. In the <dataSource> element, define a reference to the connection manager:
    <dataSource id="APPCNTR" jndiName="jdbc/AppCenterDS" connectionManagerRef="AppCenterPool"

Parent topic: Install the application center