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Configure WebSphere Application Server to support applications in public app stores

Configure WAS full profile and Liberty profile before access to public app stores through application links, because of the use of SSL connections.

The constraint imposed by the use of SSL connections requires the root certificates of public app stores to exist in the WebSphere truststore before we can use application links to access these public stores. The configuration requirement applies to both WAS full profile and Liberty profile.

The root certificate of Google play must be imported into the WebSphere truststore before we can use application links to Google play.

The root certificate of Apple iTunes must be imported into the WebSphere truststore before we can use application links to iTunes.

To use application links to Google play, see Configure WebSphere Application Server to support applications in Google play.

To use application links to Apple iTunes, see Configure WebSphere Application Server to support applications in Apple iTunes.

Parent topic: Install the application center