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Client property file for iOS

This file defines the client-side properties so that your native app uses the MobileFirst native API for iOS.

The worklight.plist client property file contains the necessary information for initializing WLClient instances. Before using this tool file in the native application for iOS, we must define the properties as specified in the following table.

Property Description Example values
protocol The communication protocol with MobileFirst Server. http or https
host The host name of MobileFirst Server. localhost
port The port of MobileFirst Server. If this value is left blank, the default port is used. If the protocol property value is https, we must leave this value blank. 10080
wlServerContext The server URL context. /

If we use MPF Developer Edition, we must set the value of this property to the name of the project.

application id The application ID, as defined in application-descriptor.xml. myApp
application version The application version, as defined in application-descriptor.xml. 1.0
environment This property defines the MobileFirst environment. The value of this property must be iOSnative.

Important: We must not modify the value of this property value.

languagePreferences This property defines a comma-separated list of preferred languages to be used byIBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation to display system messages. This property is optional. en, fr, de, es
platformVersion This property defines the version number of the MPF.
wlUid This property is for internal usage. You must not modify the value. wY/mbnwKTDDYQUvuQCdSgg==

Parent topic: Develop native applications for iOS