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Configure for the XULRunner embedded browser

The XULRunner package enables Mozilla as the embedded browser. If several XULRunner packages are installed on the same system, version mismatches can occur even if a specific XULRunner installation is registered as the default version. To clearly define the XULRunner browser and level to be used in the configuration, we must set up an explicit pointer to a XULRunner version.

The supported XULRunner versions are:

The XULRunner package must match the architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) of the product installation. To download the XULRunner 1.9.2, click one of the following links:

To set up an explicit pointer to a XULRunner version, complete the following steps.

  1. In the eclipse.ini file included in the product installation, locate the -vmargs section.

    For users of MPF only:

    • If a Worklight.sh file is present in the same product directory as the eclipse.ini file, add the updates to the -vmargs sections of both files.

    • Some installations use JRE arguments from the Worklight.sh script instead of from the eclipse.ini file.

  2. In the -vmargs section, add the following JVM system variable where /home/myuser/xulrunner is the path to the root of an uncompressed XULRunner package.


Complete the following step to use the XULRunner browser instead of the WebKit browser.

  1. Add the following JVM parameter to the -vmargs section at the end of the eclipse.ini file.

    For users of MobileFirst Studio only: If the Worklight.sh file is present, add the same code to the end of this file.


Parent topic: Embedded browsers for Linux