Embedded browsers for Linux
On Linux systems, to ensure that product features, such as the Rich Page Editor use an appropriate embedded web browser, additional steps to configure the browser are necessary.
Product features that use an embedded web browser might not work correctly if an inappropriate browser is used. Using an inappropriate browser can cause problems such as: scenarios that fail, error messages, or an unexpected output. Product features that use an embedded browser include:
- Rich Page Editor
- Web Browser component
- Welcome page
The Eclipse Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) supports the following browser types for Linux systems:
- Mozilla (Firefox) through the XULRunner package
- WebKit through WebKitGTK+ shared libraries
The version of Eclipse included in the product determines the default browser type used by SWT. However, we can explicitly configure the default browser type. Only one browser type is available at a time within the product.
- For Eclipse versions 3.7 and later, the WebKit browser is the default browser on Linux. If suitable WebKit libraries are not found, the XULRunner browser is used.
- Configure for the WebKit embedded browser
A WebKit embedded browser is supplied as a separate installation of the WebKitGTK+ shared libraries, however; these libraries are included in many of the supported Linux distributions.
- Configure for the XULRunner embedded browser
The XULRunner package enables Mozilla as the embedded browser. If several XULRunner packages are installed on the same system, version mismatches can occur even if a specific XULRunner installation is registered as the default version. To clearly define the XULRunner browser and level to be used in the configuration, we must set up an explicit pointer to a XULRunner version.
Parent topic: Rich Page Editor