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Direct updates of app versions to mobile devices

Direct Update allows you to quickly update application web resources (HTML, JavaScript, and CSS) without going through the vendor (Apple/Google) app store review process.

When we deploy the latest build without changing its version to the MobileFirst Server, the next time the app tries to access the server, it will automatically retrieve the latest web resources after prompting the user to accept the update. Direct Update cannot be used to update native code.

For client apps built on versions of IBM Worklight Foundation up to v6.2.0.1, the entire web resources package is downloaded to the application during the Direct Update process.

Client applications built on IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation v6.3 and later:

The differential direct update is applicable for Android and iOS only. It is not available for Windows Phone 8. The client apps of Windows phone 8 receive full direct update.

See Upgrading MobileFirst Studio in the Consumer or Enterprise Editions to MobileFirst Studio v6.3.0 for instructions to reenable direct update after an upgrade of MobileFirst Server.

When the app connects to the MobileFirst Server, it starts downloading the newly deployed resources, as shown in the following figures. If the download fails mid-way, the direct update will resume from where the download was broken the previous time.

User notifications seen in the following figures show the default method of implementing Direct update. We can customize the direct update process and interface of apps developed in MobileFirst Studio, v6.2.0 and later. See Customize the direct update interface and process.

Figure 1. Update notice from Android

Figure 2. Downloading newly deployed resources to Android

Figure 3. Update notice from iOS

Figure 4. Downloading newly deployed resources to iOS

Figure 5. Update notice from Windows Phone 8

Figure 6. Downloading newly deployed resources to Windows Phone 8

Parent topic: Configure and customizing direct update