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Configure and customizing direct update

Direct update is the direct delivery of updated web resources to deployed applications. Subject to the terms and conditions of the target platform, organizations are not required to upload new app versions to the app store or market. In IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation, this option is available for iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone 8, and Android apps.

For an introduction to direct updates of app versions to mobile devices, see Direct updates of app versions to mobile devices. A direct updates mechanism is available for desktop apps. See Direct updates of app versions to desktop apps.

The MobileFirst Server can push data at the rate of 250 MB per second. For example, if an application is 5 MB in size, assuming that the network bandwidth is not a bottleneck, the MobileFirst Server can serve 50 direct updates per second, and a MobileFirst Server cluster of four servers can serve 200 direct updates per second.

To serve direct updates at higher rates, consider using a CDN (content delivery network) instead of the MobileFirst Server.

Parent topic: Develop hybrid and web applications