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Deploy the project WAR file

For the component to get its applications and adapters, and start, deploy a MobileFirst runtime environment to an application server where the administration services application is installed.

Before starting, install the MobileFirst Server. If we have a farm topology, configure the server farm. Complete Installation prerequisites. Build a MobileFirst project WAR file using wither MobileFirst Studio or Ant. The WAR file contains the default configuration values for the server, and some resources for the MobileFirst applications and adapters.

Deploy a MobileFirst project WAR file, and configure the databases and application servers, using...

For project WAR files built with earlier versions than v6.2.0.x: The project WAR file must be built with the same version of Worklight Studio as the version used to build the apps that are deployed on the Worklight Server. For project WAR files that were built with v6.2.0 and later, and deployed to Worklight Server v6.2.0.1 and later, apps and adapters that were built with any version, 5.0.6.x and above (but not later than the project WAR version itself), can be deployed.


Parent topic: Deploy MobileFirst applications to test and production environments