Complete the deployment of a project WAR file
When the project WAR file is deployed on the application server, restart the application server if...
- We used the <configureApplicationServer> Ant task, or the manual instructions for deploying the project WAR file:
- Using WAS with DB2 as database type for one or both of the databases.
- Ure using WAS Liberty profile or Apache Tomcat.
- When we used the <updateApplicationServer> Ant task:
- If we are using WebSphere Application Server (full profile or Liberty profile) and the MobileFirst runtime library (worklight-jee-library.jar) is changed.
- If we are using Apache Tomcat.
For WAS ND with managed servers in the deployment manager:
- Restart the servers running during the deployment, and on which the project.web application has been installed.
From deployment manager console...
Applications | Application Types | WebSphere enterprise applications | IBM_Worklight_Console | Target specific application status
- We do not have to restart the deployment manager or the node agents.
Parent topic: Deploy a project WAR file manually.