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Audit log of administration operations

In the operations console, we can refer to an audit log of administration operations.

operations console provides access to an audit log for login, logout, and all administration operations, such as deploying apps or adapters or locking apps. The audit log can be disabled by setting the ibm.worklight.admin.audit Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) property on the web application of the MobileFirst Administration service (worklightadmin.war) to false.

Each record in the audit log has the following fields, separated by a vertical bar (|); see Figure 1.

Field name Description
Timestamp Date and time when the record was created.
Type The type of operation. See list of operation types for the possible values.
User Username of the user who is signed in.
Outcome The outcome of the operation; possible values are SUCCESS, ERROR, PENDING.
ErrorCode If the outcome is ERROR, ErrorCode indicates what the error is.
Runtime Name of the project.associated with the operation.

The following list shows the possible values of Type of operation.

Figure 1. Sample audit log of MobileFirst administration operations

Parent topic: Administer MobileFirst applications with operations console