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Configure XMS .NET trace using an application configuration file

If we are using IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Framework, we can configure trace for XMS .NET applications with an application configuration file. The trace section of this file includes parameters that define what is to be traced, the trace file location and maximum allowed size, the number of trace files used, and the trace file format.

About this task

Using the application configuration file is not supported for IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Standard. If we are using IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Standard, we must configure trace from the XMS environment variables. For further details, see Configure XMS .NET trace using XMS environment variables.


To turn on trace using the application configuration file, place the file in the same directory as the executable file for the application. Trace can be enabled both by component and trace type. It is also possible to turn on trace for an entire trace group. We can turn on trace for components in a hierarchy either individually or collectively. The types of trace available include:

  • Debug trace
  • Exception trace
  • Warnings, informational messages, and error messages
  • Method entry and exit trace

The following example shows the trace settings defined in the Trace section of an application configuration file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <sectionGroup name="IBM.XMS">
            <section name="Trace" 
                     type="System.Configuration.SingleTagSectionHandler" />

        <Trace traceSpecification="*=all=enabled" traceFilePath="" 
               traceFileSize="20000000" traceFileNumber="3" 
               traceFormat="advanced" />
Table 1 describes the parameter settings in more detail.

Parameter Description

ComponentName is the name of the class that we want to trace. We can use a * wildcard character in this name. For example, *=all=enabled specifies that we want to trace all classes, and IBM.XMS.impl.*=all=enabled specifies that you require API trace only.

type can be any of the following trace types:

  • all
  • debug
  • event
  • EntryExit

state can be either enabled or disabled.

We can string multiple trace elements together by using a ':' (colon) delimiter.

traceFilePath=filename If we do not specify a traceFilePath, or if the traceFilePath is present but contains an empty string, the trace file is placed in the current directory. To store the trace file in a named directory, specify the directory name in the traceFilePath, for example:
traceFileSize=size The maximum allowed size of the trace file. When a file reaches this size, it is archived and renamed. The default maximum is 20 KB, which is specified as traceFileSize=20000000.
traceFileNumber=number The number of trace files that are to be retained. The default is 4 (one active file and 3 archive files). The minimum number allowed is 2.

The default trace format is basic. Trace files are produced in this format if we specify traceFormat=basic, or if we do not specify a traceFormat, or if the traceFormat is present but contains an empty string.

If you require trace that is compatible with trace analyzer tools, we must specify traceFormat=advanced.

The trace settings in the application configuration file are dynamic, and are reread every time the file is saved or replaced. If errors are found in the file after it is edited, the trace file settings revert to their default values.

Parent topic: Configure trace for XMS .NET applications

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Last updated: 2020-10-04