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Collecting a Managed File Transfer for z/OS agent trace from startup

Where it is possible for you to stop an agent for a short period of time, we should collect IBM MQ Managed File Transfer agent trace from startup.

About this task

The way to collect the trace depends on whether the agent is being administered using Unix System Services (USS) or JCL.

If we are unsure which of the following options to use, contact the IBM Support representative and they will advise you on the best way to collect trace for the issue that we are seeing.


If we are using:

  • Collecting an agent trace from startup using USS
    To collect a trace of a Managed File Transfer for z/OS agent that is being administered using Unix System Services (USS) from startup, set various properties need in the agent.properties file for that agent before it is started.
  • Collecting an agent trace from startup using JCL
    To collect a trace of a Managed File Transfer for z/OS agent that is being administered using JCL from startup, set various properties need in the agent.properties file for that agent before it is started.

Parent topic: Tracing Managed File Transfer for z/OS agents

Last updated: 2020-10-04