Properties of Destination
An overview of the properties of the Destination object, with links to more detailed reference information.
Name of property | Description |
XMSC_DELIVERY_MODE | The delivery mode of messages sent to the destination. |
XMSC_PRIORITY | The priority of messages sent to the destination. |
XMSC_RTT_MULTICAST | The multicast setting for a connection factory or destination. |
XMSC_TIME_TO_LIVE | The time to live for messages sent to the destination. |
XMSC_WMQ_BROKER_VERSION | The type of broker used by the application for a connection or for the destination. |
XMSC_WMQ_CCSID | The identifier (CCSID) of the coded character set, or code page, that the strings of character data in the body of a message are in when the XMS client forwards the message to the destination. |
XMSC_WMQ_DUR_SUBQ | The name of the subscriber queue for a durable subscriber that is receiving messages from the destination.Note: This property can be used with Version 2.0 of IBM Message Service Client for .NET but has no effect for an application connected to a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager unless the XMSC_WMQ_PROVIDER_VERSION property of the connection factory is set to a version number less than 7. |
XMSC_WMQ_ENCODING | How numerical data in the body of a message is represented when the XMS client forwards the message to the destination. |
XMSC_WMQ_FAIL_IF_QUIESCE | Whether calls to certain methods fail if the queue manager to which the application is connected is in a quiescing state. |
XMSC_WMQ_MESSAGE_BODY | This property determines whether an XMS application processes the MQRFH2 of a IBM MQ message as part of the message payload (that is, as part of the message body). |
XMSC_WMQ_MQMD_MESSAGE_CONTEXT | Determines what level of message context is to be set by the XMS application. The application must be running with appropriate context authority for this property to take effect. |
XMSC_WMQ_MQMD_READ_ENABLED | This property determines whether an XMS application can extract the values of MQMD fields or not. |
XMSC_WMQ_MQMD_WRITE_ENABLED | This property determines whether an XMS application can set the values of MQMD fields or not. |
XMSC_WMQ_READ_AHEAD_ALLOWED | This property determines whether message consumers and queue browsers are allowed to use read ahead to get non-persistent, non-transactional messages from this destination into an internal buffer before receiving them. |
XMSC_WMQ_READ_AHEAD_CLOSE_POLICY | This property determines, for messages being delivered to an asynchronous message listener, what happens to messages in the internal read ahead buffer when the message consumer is closed. |
XMSC_WMQ_RECEIVE_CCSID | Destination property that sets the target CCSID for queue manager message conversion. The value is ignored unless XMSC_WMQ_RECEIVE_CONVERSION is set to WMQ_RECEIVE_CONVERSION_QMGR. |
XMSC_WMQ_RECEIVE_CONVERSION | Destination property that determines whether data conversion is going to be performed by the queue manager. |
XMSC_WMQ_TARGET_CLIENT | Whether messages sent to the destination contain an MQRFH2 header. |
XMSC_WMQ_TEMP_TOPIC_PREFIX | When creating temporary topics, XMS generates a topic string of the form "TEMP/TEMPTOPICPREFIX/unique_id", or if this property contains the default value, then this string, "TEMP/unique_id", is generated. Specifying a non-empty value allows specific model queues to be defined for creating the managed queues for subscribers to temporary topics created under this connection. |
XMSC_WPM_BUS_NAME | For a connection factory, the name of the service integration bus that the application connects to or, for a destination, the name of the service integration bus in which the destination exists. |
XMSC_WPM_TOPIC_SPACE | The name of the topic space that contains the topic. |