Data type:

    Property of:

    Name used in a URI:

Whether messages sent to the destination contain an MQRFH2 header.

If an application sends a message containing an MQRFH2 header, the receiving application must be able to handle the header.

The valid values of the property are as follows:

Valid value Meaning
XMSC_WMQ_TARGET_DEST_JMS Messages sent to the destination contain an MQRFH2 header. Specify this value if the application is sending the messages to another XMS application, a IBM MQ classes for JMS application, or a native IBM MQ application that is designed to handle an MQRFH2 header.
XMSC_WMQ_TARGET_DEST_MQ Messages sent to the destination do not contain an MQRFH2 header. Specify this value if the application is sending the messages to a native IBM MQ application that is not designed to handle an MQRFH2 header.
The default value is XMSC_WMQ_TARGET_DEST_JMS. Parent topic: Property definitions