The SYSTEM.FTE topic is a topic on the coordination queue manager that Managed File Transfer uses to log transfers and store information about agents, monitors, schedules, and templates.

Topic structure


    This topic contains a retained publication that describes an agent in your Managed File Transfer network and its properties. The message on this topic is updated periodically with the agent status. For more information, see MFT agent status message format.

    This topic contains retained publications that describe the resource monitors associated with the agent agent_name. The XML of the retained publication conforms to the schema MonitorList.xsd. For more information, see MFT monitor list message format.

    This topic contains a retained publication that describes all of the active schedules that are associated with the agent agent_name. The XML of the retained publication conforms to the schema ScheduleList.xsd. For more information, see MFT schedule list message format.

    This topic contains retained publications that describe all of the templates that are defined in your Managed File Transfer topology.

    • The publication that is associated with each template is published to a subtopic with the name SYSTEM.FTE/Templates/template_ID.

    For an example of the contents of this retained publication, see MFT example template XML message.

    This topic contains publications that describe that status of transfers that originate at the agent agent_name. The publications that are associated with each transfer are published to a subtopic with the name SYSTEM.FTE/Transfers/agent_name/transfer_ID. These publications are used by the IBM MQ Explorer plug-in to provide progress information about individual transfers. The XML of the publication conforms to the schema TransferStatus.xsd. For more information, see File transfer status message format.

    This topic contains publications that log information about transfers, monitors, and schedules that originate at the agent agent_name. These publications can be logged by the database logger to provide audit records of the events that happen in your Managed File Transfer network.

    • The publications that are associated with each transfer are published to a subtopic with the name SYSTEM.FTE/Log/agent_name/transfer_ID and the XML of the publication conforms to the schema TransferLog.xsd. For more information, see File transfer log message formats.
    • The publications that are associated with each scheduled transfer are published to a subtopic with the name SYSTEM.FTE/Log/agent_name/schedule_ID and the XML of the publication conforms to the schema ScheduleLog.xsd. For more information, see Scheduled file transfer log message formats.
    • The publications that are associated with each monitor are published to a subtopic with the name SYSTEM.FTE/Log/agent_name/Monitors/monitor_name/monitor_ID and the XML of the publication conforms to the schema MonitorLog.xsd. For more information, see MFT monitor log message format.

Parent topic: Managed File Transfer configuration reference