The SCSQFCMD library
The SCSQFCMD library provided by IBM MQ Managed File Transfer for z/OS contains members that act as templates for jobs which can be used to create a Managed File Transfer configuration, and create and administer an agent or logger.
The contents of the library are shown in the following table.
Member Description BFGCOPY Job used to create a copy of the SCSQFCMD library BFGCUSTM Job used to customize a copy of the library for an agent or logger BFGXCROB fteObfuscate sample template. BFGXLGCR fteCreateLogger template. BFGXMNCR fteCreateMonitor sample template. BFGXMNDE fteDeleteMonitor sample template. BFGXPRAN fteAnt sample template BFGXSTDE fteDeleteScheduledTransfer sample template BFGXTMCR fteCreateTemplate sample template BFGXTMDE fteDeleteTemplate sample template BFGXTRCA fteCancelTransfer sample template BFGXTRCR fteCreateTransfer sample template BFGYAGST Template for a started task procedure to start an agent BFGYLGST Template for a started task procedure to start a logger BFGZAGCL fteCleanAgent sample template BFGZAGCR fteCreateAgent sample template BFGZAGDE fteDeleteAgent sample template BFGZAGLG fteSetAgentLogLevel sample template BFGZAGLI fteListAgents sample template BFGZAGMG fteMigrateAgent sample template BFGZAGPI ftePingAgent sample template BFGZAGSH fteShowAgentDetails sample template BFGZAGSP fteStopAgent sample template BFGZAGST fteStartAgent sample template BFGZAGTC fteSetAgentTraceLevel sample template BFGZCFCR fteSetupCoordination sample template BFGZCFDF fteChangeDefaultConfigurationOptions sample template BFGZCMCR fteSetupCommands sample template BFGZCMD Template for REXX script used by other members in the dataset BFGZLGDE fteDeleteLogger sample template BFGZLGMG fteMigrateLogger sample template BFGZLGSH fteShowLoggerDetails sample template BFGZLGSP fteStopLogger sample template BFGZLGST fteStartLogger sample template BFGZLGTC fteSetLoggerTraceLevel sample template BFGZMNLI fteListMonitors sample template BFGZPID fteSetProductId sample template BFGZPROF Template for shell script used by other members in the dataset BFGZPRSH fteDisplayVersion sample template BFGZRAS fteRas sample template BFGZSTLI fteListScheduledTransfers sample template BFGZTMLI fteListTemplates sample template For details about how the SCSQFCMD library is used to generate a new library for creating a Managed File Transfer configuration, and creating and administering an agent or logger, see Configure Managed File Transfer for z/OS.
Parent topic: Managed File Transfer configuration reference
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