Editing member BFGCUSTM

We must edit member BFGCUSTM, and enter the values for the parameters that your enterprise uses, before you run the job.

See Parameters needed for member BFGCUSTM, for a list of the parameters requiring specific values. In addition we must review the following variables and supply values where necessary:

  • coordinationQMgrHost=
  • coordinationQMgrPort=
  • coordinationQMgrChannel=
  • connectionQMgr=
  • connectionQMgrHost=
  • connectionQMgrPort=
  • connectionQMgrChannel=

These properties are common to the AGENT or LOGGER. Note: Host, Port, and Channel are required for client connection but should be left blank for a bindings connection on the local machine. If this is the first queue manager in your Managed File Transfer environment, and we want to use the same queue manager for coordination, commands, and running agents, set the values to the local queue manager name.

where MQPV is your local queue manager name.

Submit the job, which updates the PDSE, and creates a directory structure under the specified path.

Note that this job requires exclusive use, so we need to stop using the PSDE while the job runs.

Tip: Whenever you submit job BFGCUSTM, the job replaces all the JCL files. We should rename each member we change. Parent topic: Configure Managed File Transfer for z/OS

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