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Use the RESET CLUSTER command to forcibly remove a queue manager from a cluster in exceptional circumstances.

You are unlikely to need to use this command, except in exceptional circumstances.

We can issue the RESET CLUSTER command only from full repository queue managers. The command takes two forms, depending on whether you reference the queue manager by name or identifier.
  1. RESET CLUSTER( clustername
  2. RESET CLUSTER( clustername

We cannot specify both QMNAME and QMID. If we use QMNAME, and there is more than one queue manager in the cluster with that name, the command is not run. Use QMID instead of QMNAME to ensure the RESET CLUSTER command is run.

Specify QUEUES(NO) on a RESET CLUSTER command is the default. Specifying QUEUES(YES) removes references to cluster queues owned by the queue manager from the cluster. The references are removed in addition to removing the queue manager from the cluster itself.

The references are removed even if the cluster queue manager is not visible in the cluster; perhaps because it was previously forcibly removed, without the QUEUES option.

We might use the RESET CLUSTER command if, for example, a queue manager has been deleted but still has cluster-receiver channels defined to the cluster. Instead of waiting for IBM MQ to remove these definitions (which it does automatically) we can issue the RESET CLUSTER command to tidy up sooner. All other queue managers in the cluster are then informed that the queue manager is no longer available.

If a queue manager is temporarily damaged, you might want to tell the other queue managers in the cluster before they try to send it messages. RESET CLUSTER removes the damaged queue manager. Later, when the damaged queue manager is working again, use the REFRESH CLUSTER command to reverse the effect of RESET CLUSTER and return the queue manager to the cluster.If the queue manager is in a publish/subscribe cluster, you then need to reinstate any required proxy subscriptions. See REFRESH CLUSTER considerations for publish/subscribe clusters.

Note: For large clusters, use of the REFRESH CLUSTER command can be disruptive to the cluster while it is in progress, and again at 27 day intervals thereafter when the cluster objects automatically send status updates to all interested queue managers. See Refreshing in a large cluster can affect performance and availability of the cluster.

Use the RESET CLUSTER command is the only way to delete auto-defined cluster-sender channels. You are unlikely to need this command in normal circumstances. The IBM Support Center might advise you to issue the command to tidy up the cluster information held by cluster queue managers. Do not use this command as a short cut to removing a queue manager from a cluster. The correct way to remove a queue manager from a cluster is described in Removing a queue manager from a cluster.

Because repositories retain information for only 90 days, after that time a queue manager that was forcibly removed can reconnect to a cluster. It reconnects automatically, unless it has been deleted. To prevent a queue manager from rejoining a cluster, we need to take appropriate security measures.

All cluster commands, except DISPLAY CLUSQMGR, work asynchronously. Commands that change object attributes involving clustering update the object and send a request to the repository processor. Commands for working with clusters are checked for syntax, and a request is sent to the repository processor.

The requests sent to the repository processor are processed asynchronously, along with cluster requests received from other members of the cluster. Processing might take a considerable time if they have to be propagated around the whole cluster to determine if they are successful or not.

Parent topic: IBM MQ cluster commands

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Last updated: 2020-10-04