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mqiptService (manage the MQIPT service)

Install or uninstall the IBM MQ Internet Pass-Thru (MQIPT) service.


Use the mqiptService command to install or uninstall the MQIPT service. The MQIPT service lets you manage and run MQIPT as a Windows service, or as an init.d system service on UNIX and Linux .

Usage notes

We can only install one MQIPT service on a system, even if there is more than one installation of MQIPT on the system.Note: Only the installation of MQIPT that installed the service can be used to remove it. For example, if you have two MQIPT installations, one in /opt/mqipt and one in /usr/local/mqipt, and you run the command /opt/mqipt/bin/mqiptService -install, then only the mqiptService command from the /opt/mqipt installation can subsequently be used to remove the service. Attempting to remove the service using a different installation causes error MQCPE083.

On UNIX and Linux, we must run the mqiptService command as root to ensure that we have the authority required to configure services.

On Windows, we must run the mqiptService command from an administrator command prompt to ensure that we have the authority required to configure Windows services.

Syntax on UNIX and Linux

mqiptService -install-remove

Syntax on Windows

mqiptService -installmqipt_home-remove

Keywords and parameters

    Install and register theMQIPT service.
    On UNIX and Linux, the mqipt.conf file for the service must be located in the top-level MQIPT installation directory of the installation from which you ran mqiptService.
    On Windows, we must supply the fully-qualified path to the directory containing the mqipt.conf configuration file as a parameter. Enclose the path in double quotation marks (") if it contains spaces.
    If the MQIPT configuration contains passwords that have been encrypted using an encryption key other than the default, the password encryption key must be present in a file named mqipt_cred.key in the same directory as the mqipt.conf file. For more information on encrypting passwords in the MQIPT configuration, see Encrypting stored passwords.
    Installing the service does not automatically start it. The service starts the next time the system is restarted. Consult your operating system service documentation if we need to start the MQIPT service immediately, without restarting.

    Remove the MQIPT service so that it no longer starts at system boot time.
    On Windows, the MQIPT service is stopped if it is currently active, and all routes are subject to immediate shutdown.

Return codes

Return code Description
0 Command successful.
>0 Command not successful.
Parent topic: IBM MQ Internet Pass-Thru commands reference

Last updated: 2020-10-04